Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: MMAC Plays Hardball on Bucks Arena
Murphy’s Law

MMAC Plays Hardball on Bucks Arena

A misleading poll, pressure on legislators and more misinformation are all used to sell the NBA arena.

Murphy’s Law: Does Milwaukee Run a Debtor’s Prison?
Murphy’s Law

Does Milwaukee Run a Debtor’s Prison?

Study finds Milwaukee Municipal Court jails thousands of poor people for failing to pay fines. Why?

Murphy’s Law: What Makes Scott Walker Run?
Murphy’s Law

What Makes Scott Walker Run?

A recent story about his upbringing may shine a sad -- and revealing -- light on Walker’s personality and political views.

Murphy’s Law: State Bucks Arena Plan Fleeces Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

State Bucks Arena Plan Fleeces Milwaukee

Proposed sports district gives all legal protection to the state and sticks it to Milwaukee, both financially and politically.

Murphy’s Law: Why Businesses Are Moving To The City
Murphy’s Law

Why Businesses Are Moving To The City

Many are moving from suburbs to Downtown and Walker's Point, seeking younger workers.

Murphy’s Law: Shirley Abrahamson Against the World
Murphy’s Law

Shirley Abrahamson Against the World

Chief Justice’s fight against a constitutional change to demote her is a minor issue. So why such a juicy battle involving so many conservatives?

Murphy’s Law: The Secret Tax Subsidy Society
Murphy’s Law

The Secret Tax Subsidy Society

Republicans and Democrats conspire to create stealth taxes to fund the NBA arena. Will they succeed?

Murphy’s Law: Too Pure for Pork
Murphy’s Law

Too Pure for Pork

Gov. Walker is a latest of state politicians from both parties who have an aversion to federal funds.

Murphy’s Law: Scott Walker, The Anti-Jeb
Murphy’s Law

Scott Walker, The Anti-Jeb

In just a few months, Gov. Walker has become the leading alternative to Jeb Bush.

Murphy’s Law: John Doe Supported by Many Republicans
Murphy’s Law

John Doe Supported by Many Republicans

Supreme Court candidate James Daley was among many GOP judges and prosecutors involved in alleged "partisan witch hunt."

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin’s Shrinking Middle Class
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin’s Shrinking Middle Class

No state has seen a bigger decline in the percent of middle class households than Wisconsin, new data shows.

Murphy’s Law: Can Daley Beat Bradley for Supreme Court?
Murphy’s Law

Can Daley Beat Bradley for Supreme Court?

Challenger could get lots of right-wing money, but that may not be enough in this case.