City Hall

City Hall: Night Parking Rules a Tax on the Poor?
City Hall

Night Parking Rules a Tax on the Poor?

Or good public policy? Reinstating night parking is a $13 million question for city.

City Hall: Milwaukee’s Bond Rating Cut Two Levels
City Hall

Milwaukee’s Bond Rating Cut Two Levels

Change in rating by S&P Global will raise cost to borrow money, add to city's budget woes.

City Hall: Barrett Budget Proposal Cuts 120 Police
City Hall

Barrett Budget Proposal Cuts 120 Police

And makes other cuts. City's fiscal challenges exacerbated by pandemic.

City Hall: City Made $8.6 Million Debt Mistake
City Hall

City Made $8.6 Million Debt Mistake

Past Comptroller blamed. Mistake equivalent to all the salaries of health department staff.

City Hall: How Much Did DNC Cost Milwaukee?
City Hall

How Much Did DNC Cost Milwaukee?

Audit pending. Officials hope all security costs of convention are reimbursed by federal government.

City Hall: City Election Drop Boxes Are Temporary
City Hall

City Election Drop Boxes Are Temporary

Permanent drop boxes "built like a tank" are coming, but delayed by wildfire.

City Hall: Assessor Wants No Assessments in 2021
City Hall

Assessor Wants No Assessments in 2021

Proposal would freeze property values for two years.

City Hall: 120 Officer Cut May Be Just The Beginning
City Hall

120 Officer Cut May Be Just The Beginning

The Milwaukee Police Department will have fewer officers in 2021, but the question is how many?

City Hall: Milwaukee Debuts New Ballot Drop Boxes
City Hall

Milwaukee Debuts New Ballot Drop Boxes

Approximately 150,000 people expected to vote absentee.

City Hall: Health Commissioner Says She Faced Racism, Sexism
City Hall

Health Commissioner Says She Faced Racism, Sexism

"A constant power struggle from Day One," says outgoing commissioner Jeanette Kowalik.

City Hall: All Parking Regulations Resume September 14th
City Hall

All Parking Regulations Resume September 14th

Enforcement of most regulations was suspended in March amid pandemic.

City Hall: City Expands Program To Fight Overdoses
City Hall

City Expands Program To Fight Overdoses

Housed in fire department, the MORI program aims to reduce drug addiction, overdoses.