
Art: A Universe of Fanciful Animals

A Universe of Fanciful Animals

Sculptor Bill Reid, now at Tory Folliard Gallery, has created his own looniverse, as he puts it.

Art: She Came From Sheboygan Falls

She Came From Sheboygan Falls

Up-and-coming artist Sara Willadsen takes a thoughtful approach to her paintings and collages.

Art: A Photographer For Our Time

A Photographer For Our Time

Daniel Arnold’s photos of people fascinate many people. His work is now at MOWA.

Art: The Singular Vision of Rashid Johnson

The Singular Vision of Rashid Johnson

A photo gallery and preview of Milwaukee Art Museum's new show.

Art: A World Created With A Pencil

A World Created With A Pencil

Portrait Society show features only drawings. It's pure pleasure.

Art: The Maximal Minimalist

The Maximal Minimalist

Tom Bamberger is an artist given to extremes, as landmark MOWA show proves.

Art: Private Collections of the Wealthy

Private Collections of the Wealthy

"Milwaukee Collects" at Milwaukee Art Museum offers great works by local collectors.

Art: The Wisconsin That Was

The Wisconsin That Was

Artist Terese Agnew’s powerful exhibit celebrates, laments state’s progressive past.

Art: Beth Lipman’s Magical Thinking

Beth Lipman’s Magical Thinking

She creates little worlds of glistening glass sculptures that leave you entranced yet puzzled.

Art: A Bright Spotlight on Women Artists

A Bright Spotlight on Women Artists

Mothers of Our Nations exhibit now in Milwaukee, will travel to Madison.

Art: The Old Man and the Reeds

The Old Man and the Reeds

Veteran artist Roy Staab creates a lovely new installation using just willow reeds and branches.

An Atlas of Water for Milwaukee

An Atlas of Water for Milwaukee

Splashy project by international artist Mary Miss will dramatize the role and history of water in Milwaukee.