Real Estate

Jackie Robinson Middle School Remade as Senior Living Community

Jackie Robinson Middle School Remade as Senior Living Community

Gorman & Company recently completed the conversion of Jackie Robinson Middle School into the Sherman Park Senior Living Community.

Friday Photos: Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex Starts to Rise
Friday Photos

Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex Starts to Rise

Construction continues on the $80 million Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex.

Friday Photos: East Terrace Apartments Taking Shape
Friday Photos

East Terrace Apartments Taking Shape

They're all corner units in the Jackson Street complex, and you can set the thermostat with your iPhone.

Plenty of Horne: State Making Little Progress on Improving Train Shed
Plenty of Horne

State Making Little Progress on Improving Train Shed

Gov. Walker turned down federal money that could have funded federally-mandated improvements required for downtown train station.

Friday Photos: The North End Phase II
Friday Photos

The North End Phase II

From new buildings to riverwalk improvements, lots of changes are underway.

Friday Photos: Infill, Infill, Infill
Friday Photos

Infill, Infill, Infill

Updates and photos of three infill projects on Jackson Street.

Republicans Move to Kill Milwaukee Streetcar

Republicans Move to Kill Milwaukee Streetcar

If the streetcar is killed and federal money for it is lost, it will mean the total amount of federal transit money for Wisconsin rejected by Scott Walker will exceed $1 billion.

16th Annual Mayor’s Design Awards Announced

16th Annual Mayor’s Design Awards Announced

Which are the best designs? You be the judge.

Five-Story Mixed-Use Building for Capitol Drive Moves Forward

Five-Story Mixed-Use Building for Capitol Drive Moves Forward

The $9 million project combines a charter school, job training center, and an apartment complex and sports a green roof.

Friday Photos: Marsupial Bridge Connection At Mid-Point
Friday Photos

Marsupial Bridge Connection At Mid-Point

Renderings of how the bridge will better connect to pedestrians and photos of ongoing progress.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Riverwest 24 Registration Gets Huge Turnout
Eyes on Milwaukee

Riverwest 24 Registration Gets Huge Turnout

Hundreds began arriving as soon as 5:30 a.m. to sign up for the event. And as we stood in line more new developments for Milwaukee were announced.

Eyes on Milwaukee: The New Third Ward Alterra’s Design
Eyes on Milwaukee

The New Third Ward Alterra’s Design

Here are the renderings of a design that embraces the street and bicycle culture.