Public Safety

National Guard Activated for Security at State Capitol

National Guard Activated for Security at State Capitol

FBI warning of armed groups planning protests at state capitols.

Can State Rescue Youth Corrections Plan?

Can State Rescue Youth Corrections Plan?

Rep. Evan Goyke thinks the failure of the state's plan can lead to creative reforms.

Op Ed: Police Response in Kenosha vs. U.S. Capitol
Op Ed

Police Response in Kenosha vs. U.S. Capitol

Who is the greater danger, BLM protesters or the armed mob trying to overturn election?

Community Leaders Lament Jacob Blake Decision

Community Leaders Lament Jacob Blake Decision

Dismay over Kenosha County DA choosing not to charge officer who shot Blake.

Transportation: Milwaukee Seeks Data for Vision Zero Push

Milwaukee Seeks Data for Vision Zero Push

Consultant would identify dangerous interactions, develop predictive model.

City Hall: Coggs Continues to Lead Push for Enhanced Trauma-Informed Care
City Hall

Coggs Continues to Lead Push for Enhanced Trauma-Informed Care

Alderwoman pushes for standardization in referrals with hopes of preventing future crime.

Resources for Families Coping with Violence

Resources for Families Coping with Violence

These resources offer support and engagement for youth and counseling for trauma.

City Hall: Committee Rejects Ann Wilson’s FPC Reappointment
City Hall

Committee Rejects Ann Wilson’s FPC Reappointment

But even if council affirms rejection, Wilson could continue to serve.

Body Cameras Would Have Helped Jacob Blake Shooting Investigation

Body Cameras Would Have Helped Jacob Blake Shooting Investigation

District Attorney Michael Graveley said Kenosha Police need body cameras.

Op Ed: Redesigned Streets Can Deter Reckless Driving
Op Ed

Redesigned Streets Can Deter Reckless Driving

How better engineering can reduce crashes and fatalities.

Sen. Baldwin: “It’s Disgraceful”
Sen. Baldwin

“It’s Disgraceful”


City Hall: New City Engineer Must Tackle Reckless Driving
City Hall

New City Engineer Must Tackle Reckless Driving

Committee approves Kruschke to job. And alders want him to focus on safety.