


TCD won't tell you which candidates to choose - you're smart enough to make your own decisions. We just want you to vote, plain and simple.

Election 5Q: Russ Feingold
Election 5Q

Russ Feingold

Russ has been Wisconsin's maverick, but is that enough for voters in 2010?

Get out the vote

Get out the vote

Less than 50 percent of eligible U.S. voters are likely to show up to the polls. Don't let attack ads and political shenanigans deter you - every vote counts.

Politics and religion in Wisconsin

Politics and religion in Wisconsin

The old axiom says never discuss either in polite company, but this election season has mixed politics and religion in a most impolite manner

Election 5Q: Senate candidate Ron Johnson
Election 5Q

Senate candidate Ron Johnson

Johnson continues to evade the press, but his comments at recent appearances lay out his main talking points: tax cuts, the free market and jobs, jobs, jobs.

Will Durst: Blind, Deaf and Dumb
Will Durst

Blind, Deaf and Dumb

The precise word to explain this season’s big trend in campaign financing is "obliviousness."

Replacing Dave Obey?

Replacing Dave Obey?

Let's face it: nobody can "replace" Dave Obey. But we can elect a "work horse" instead of a "show horse" to our congressional seat.

Election 5Q: 4th Congressional candidate Gwen Moore
Election 5Q

4th Congressional candidate Gwen Moore

Moore says she focuses on assisting the poorest constituents in her district, no matter what the competition claims.

Feingold and Johnson’s final debate: it’s the economy, stupid
Feingold and Johnson’s final debate

it’s the economy, stupid

They never quoted Jame Carville, but the focus of both Russ Feingold and Ron Johnson is reducing debt and creating jobs. They just differ on how to get there.

Election 5Q: 4th Congressional candidate Dan Sebring
Election 5Q

4th Congressional candidate Dan Sebring

To dream the impossible dream - Dan Sebring seeks to be first GOP congressman from Wisconsin's 4th Congressional District.

Election 5Q: Scott Walker
Election 5Q

Scott Walker

Eliminating unfilled positions, state employee contributions and a return to the 80s - welcome to Scott Walker's Wisconsin

Election 5Q: Tom Barrett
Election 5Q

Tom Barrett

Barrett is finally showing the fighting spirit that has been lacking throughout his campaign and follows up on remaining questions.