
Data Wonk: Why David Brooks Is Wrong on Minimum Wage
Data Wonk

Why David Brooks Is Wrong on Minimum Wage

He opposes raising it but uses bad math and incomplete research.

The State of Politics: Realign the UW System?
The State of Politics

Realign the UW System?

Legislators consider realigning public colleges and universities.

Data Wonk: About Those John Doe “Paramilitary Raids”
Data Wonk

About Those John Doe “Paramilitary Raids”

Are right-wing accounts of the Doe investigation fictional?

Murphy’s Law: Walker Flubs First GOP Debate
Murphy’s Law

Walker Flubs First GOP Debate

His tepid style hurt him. Who won and where does this leave Walker?

Op-Ed: Republican Plan Shields WEDC From Scrutiny

Republican Plan Shields WEDC From Scrutiny

Plan removing legislators from board pulls veil of secrecy over jobs agency.

Murphy’s Law: The Most Gerrymandered State in America
Murphy’s Law

The Most Gerrymandered State in America

Study shows Wisconsin most gerrymandered in 42 years. Case is filed in federal court.

Op-Ed: Why Prosecutor Should Appeal John Doe Case

Why Prosecutor Should Appeal John Doe Case

State Supreme Court had huge conflict, Schmitz should appeal to U.S. Supreme Court.

Murphy’s Law: The Tragedy of David Prosser
Murphy’s Law

The Tragedy of David Prosser

Recusal ruling adds to his image as the symbol of a dysfunctional Supreme Court.

House Confidential: Mark Borkowski’s Quaint Ranch Home
House Confidential

Mark Borkowski’s Quaint Ranch Home

County supervisor lives in suburban-style area at edge of Greenfield but wants to be alderman.

Data Wonk: Why Conservatives Attack Minnesota
Data Wonk

Why Conservatives Attack Minnesota

They condemn its business climate even as it out-performs Wisconsin.

Your Right to Know: How Republicans Worked to End Public Records
Your Right to Know

How Republicans Worked to End Public Records

Planning began last September and would have ended open records for all local governments as well.

The State of Politics: Get Ready for Gov. Kleefisch?
The State of Politics

Get Ready for Gov. Kleefisch?

If Walkers wins the presidency or gets a federal appointment, Kleefisch must be ready to serve.