Walker Gets Sued Yet Again
For most partisan gerrymandering in history. Senate Bill 163 would reform the process.
Jun 5th, 2016 by State Sen. Lena TaylorOn MPS, Adults Turn in Homework Late
Milwaukee leaders deserve failing grade on Partnership Program.
Jun 3rd, 2016 by Ola LisowskiAttack on Summer Meals for Kids?
Last summer Wisconsin served 2.8 million free and reduced price meals. Proposed bill would slash program.
Jun 3rd, 2016 by Tamarine CorneliusGOP Goal Less Access for Democratic Voters
But you have to sift through media coverage of trial testimony for the story.
Jun 2nd, 2016 by Bruce MurphyOpponents Agree New Education Funding Model Needed
Union leader, key Republican and DPI all want a student centered approach to state funding.
Jun 2nd, 2016 by Jabril Faraj, Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service$1 Billion Savings In Six Years
If expanded federal Medicaid money accepted. But some legislators dispute LFB analysis.
Jun 2nd, 2016 by Jon PeacockCourt Restores Public Access to Accident Reports
Police were heavily redacting reports, based on faulty interpretation of law, court rules.
Jun 1st, 2016 by Dustin B. BrownProperty Taxpayers Pay for Walker School Cuts
Voters in 127 school districts approved referendums to raise property taxes to help offset state funding cuts.
Jun 1st, 2016 by State Rep. Gordon HintzWhy Federal Court Rejected Archer Suit
Eric O’Keefe’s attempt to punish DA John Chisholm was way thin on evidence.
May 31st, 2016 by Bruce ThompsonState A Leader in Higher Education Cuts
Wisconsin cut higher education by more than all but one state in America.
May 31st, 2016 by Jon PeacockMadison Knows Best
GOP legislators have passed 128 restrictions to "local control" in the past six years.
May 30th, 2016 by Steven WaltersJohn Menard vs. Donald Trump
Their friendship and later feud gets titillating coverage from Indianapolis Monthly.
May 26th, 2016 by Bruce Murphy