
Murphy’s Law: Racism Issue Dogs Bradley Foundation
Murphy’s Law

Racism Issue Dogs Bradley Foundation

Does foundation still support research on racial inferiority?

The State of Politics: Candidates Battle Over School Funding
The State of Politics

Candidates Battle Over School Funding

GOP and Democratic legislative candidates offer dueling statistics. Who’s right?

Op-Ed: Dump Trump Efforts Could Still Succeed

Dump Trump Efforts Could Still Succeed

Some Wisconsin delegates are among those who plan to fight him at convention.

Wisconsin Budget: Ryan’s Health Plan Could Hurt Working Families
Wisconsin Budget

Ryan’s Health Plan Could Hurt Working Families

Would make insurance coverage far more costly for low-income Wisconsin residents.

Murphy’s Law: State Lottery Preys on the Poor
Murphy’s Law

State Lottery Preys on the Poor

Even winners lose from this hugely inefficient tax on the poor.

Op-Ed: Shades of McCarthyism in Donald Trump

Shades of McCarthyism in Donald Trump

He was trained by Joe McCarthy lieutenant Roy Cohn and uses Joe’s tactics.

Your Right to Know: Some Legislators Still Crave Secrecy
Your Right to Know

Some Legislators Still Crave Secrecy

Some routinely destroy correspondence and other materials, making government less open.

Op-Ed: Walker’s Budget for Roads Hurts Economy

Walker’s Budget for Roads Hurts Economy

Poor state infrastructure is costing motorists $6 billion a year.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Rocky Marcoux Wins Committee Approval
Eyes on Milwaukee

Rocky Marcoux Wins Committee Approval

DCD leader was thought to be in trouble, but city committee votes 4-0 to reconfirm.

Wisconsin Budget: Tax Cut A Windfall for Millionaires
Wisconsin Budget

Tax Cut A Windfall for Millionaires

78% of 2011 Manufacturing and Agriculture Tax Credit goes to millionaires, new study shows.

Op-Ed: Top 10 Victories Over Walker

Top 10 Victories Over Walker

10 policy changes Gov. Walker and Republicans failed to pass in the last year.

Op-Ed: “To Not Only Survive, But Thrive!”

“To Not Only Survive, But Thrive!”

The mass shooting in Orlando was a tragic reminder of the need for LGBT equality.