
Op Ed: More Funding for Local Roads Needed
Op Ed

More Funding for Local Roads Needed

In 38 counties only 5% of local roads are rated “good.”

Murphy’s Law: Wisconsin Is a Global Trade Winner
Murphy’s Law

Wisconsin Is a Global Trade Winner

Trump’s protectionist trade policies will hurt state far more than others.

Op Ed: Will Trump Act on Buy American Pledge?
Op Ed

Will Trump Act on Buy American Pledge?

Will his speech to Congress lay out a plan? Will GOP leaders get behind it?

The State Of Politics: Evers, Holtz, Offer Real Clash On Issues
The State Of Politics

Evers, Holtz, Offer Real Clash On Issues

Incumbent state superintendent and challenger have fierce disagreements.

Senators Give Themselves 31% Increase

Senators Give Themselves 31% Increase

In non-public meeting they approve 31% raise in their per day expenses.

Op Ed: Why International Women’s Day Matters
Op Ed

Why International Women’s Day Matters

Women suffer greater poverty and crime, higher health care costs.

Campaign Cash: Walker Donors Oppose Fire Safety Proposal
Campaign Cash

Walker Donors Oppose Fire Safety Proposal

Construction industry gave him $5 million, oppose safety proposal backed by fire fighters.

Court Watch: Judicial Candidates Explain Themselves
Court Watch

Judicial Candidates Explain Themselves

The philosophies of circuit court opponents Yang and Wales.

In Remembrance: The Legacy of Ed Garvey
In Remembrance

The Legacy of Ed Garvey

A corporate dragon-slayer, the Wisconsin Democrat helped pave the way for Bernie Sanders.

Op Ed: Opioid Crisis Demands Bipartisan Solutions
Op Ed

Opioid Crisis Demands Bipartisan Solutions

In 2015 more people in state died from drug overdoses than car crashes.

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Anti-Semitism
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Anti-Semitism

Study finds three-fold increase in metro area. Jewish leaders blame Trump.

Campaign Cash: For-Profit Colleges Love Walker
Campaign Cash

For-Profit Colleges Love Walker

They give him $56,000 campaign cash, he wants to kill state watchdog over colleges.