
Your Right to Know: Walker’s Open Records Order Helps
Your Right to Know

Walker’s Open Records Order Helps

State agencies responding to requests faster. Except governor’s office.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Vote Tuesday
Eyes on Milwaukee

Vote Tuesday

Learn more about the many races and candidates for this overlooked election

WISTAX: You Pay Many Hidden Taxes

You Pay Many Hidden Taxes

From fishing poles to beer to phone bills, lots of local, state, federal fees.

Campaign Cash: NRA Wants Guns Without Permits
Campaign Cash

NRA Wants Guns Without Permits

More than 40 GOP legislators back bill, received NRA donations.

Biking: Lobby Day on the Way

Lobby Day on the Way

On April 13th advocates will lobby legislators for pro-biking measures.

Op Ed: Why My Budget Hikes K-12 Spending
Op Ed

Why My Budget Hikes K-12 Spending

I believe giving every child access to a great education is a moral imperative.

Will Cheaper Price Save Domes?

Will Cheaper Price Save Domes?

$18.6 million estimate for repairs and “National Treasure” designation by group.

Campaign Cash: Liberal Group Spends $225,000 on Evers
Campaign Cash

Liberal Group Spends $225,000 on Evers

Greater Wisconsin Committee buying TV ads in Milwaukee, Green Bay areas.

Wisconsin Budget: 5 Ways Trump’s Budget Hurts State
Wisconsin Budget

5 Ways Trump’s Budget Hurts State

Huge losses for schools, heating assistance, environment, state budget.

Murphy’s Law: Can Holtz Beat Evers?
Murphy’s Law

Can Holtz Beat Evers?

Incumbent Superintendent Evers worries that dark money will rescue Holtz.

Data Wonk: Three Whopping Data Lies
Data Wonk

Three Whopping Data Lies

Or how Walker, Schimel, Trump jump from correlation to causality.

Massage Therapist Rules Overdone?

Massage Therapist Rules Overdone?

State’s continuing education requirements questioned.