
Op Ed: Medicaid Helps the Middle Class
Op Ed

Medicaid Helps the Middle Class

And it needs to be protected. Republican Congress could slash coverage.

Wisconsin Budget: Voters Favor Education, Health Care Spending
Wisconsin Budget

Voters Favor Education, Health Care Spending

Polls show they’re willing to be taxed more to spend more on these priorities.

You Can Balance the County Budget

You Can Balance the County Budget

Abele’s new widget gives citizens a chance to submit draft spending plans.

Your Right to Know: Legislators Can Destroy Public Records
Your Right to Know

Legislators Can Destroy Public Records

Because they exempted themselves from the open records law they passed.

Op Ed: Don’t Give Away Acres of State Park
Op Ed

Don’t Give Away Acres of State Park

State allowing for-profit golf course to take over public land on Lake Michigan.

Campaign Cash: Bill Expands Winery Retail Hours
Campaign Cash

Bill Expands Winery Retail Hours

It pits Koch Brothers and Farm Bureau (supporters) against Tavern League (opposed).

Murphy’s Law: Will the Real Ron Johnson Stand Up?
Murphy’s Law

Will the Real Ron Johnson Stand Up?

His draconian stance on health care was obscured by lazy media coverage.

Data Wonk: Will Supremes Rule on State Redistricting?
Data Wonk

Will Supremes Rule on State Redistricting?

Past cases show Supreme Court is reluctant to overrule district courts.

Wisconsin Budget: Most Walker Tax Cuts Benefit Wealthy
Wisconsin Budget

Most Walker Tax Cuts Benefit Wealthy

More than $10,000 for members of top 1%, just $175 for poorest 20% in state.

Murphy’s Law: The Bradley Foundation’s New Pope
Murphy’s Law

The Bradley Foundation’s New Pope

New chairman James Arthur Pope could turn foundation further right.

Campaign Cash: Fish Farm Regulations Reduced
Campaign Cash

Fish Farm Regulations Reduced

Walker signs bill big business lobbied for and environmentalists opposed.

Wisconsin Budget: The Problem of Pre-Existing Conditions
Wisconsin Budget

The Problem of Pre-Existing Conditions

Assembly bill addresses issue. But how much coverage does it provide?