
Op Ed: Walker’s 2018 Campaign Baggage Is Heavy
Op Ed

Walker’s 2018 Campaign Baggage Is Heavy

The negative issues and squabbles he must handle keep growing.

Murphy’s Law: Barrett Versus the Backdrop Boys
Murphy’s Law

Barrett Versus the Backdrop Boys

Or how police-fire benefits are driving the city budget crisis.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Zielinski Again Attacks Mayor, Streetcar
Eyes on Milwaukee

Zielinski Again Attacks Mayor, Streetcar

And again his math doesn't add up.

The State of Politics: Does UW System Have Too Many Colleges?
The State of Politics

Does UW System Have Too Many Colleges?

Cross addresses what’s long been whispered: 26 UW institutions is too many.

Campaign Cash: DNR Decision Pleases Big Dairy
Campaign Cash

DNR Decision Pleases Big Dairy

Settles lawsuit on terms that restrict state oversight of factory farms.

Op Ed: Restore the Elections Commission Staff
Op Ed

Restore the Elections Commission Staff

GOP legislators supported this until Walker veto cut staff. Our bill restores electoral security.

Automated Technology Targets Reckless Drivers

Automated Technology Targets Reckless Drivers

Rep. Crowley’s bill creates pilot program in city, supported by 11 council members.

Bucks Leader Sees Huge Potential for Milwaukee

Bucks Leader Sees Huge Potential for Milwaukee

In interview, Alex Lasry says he sees “groundswell of change” in Milwaukee.

Campaign Cash: Bill Would Change How Coops Operate
Campaign Cash

Bill Would Change How Coops Operate

Backed by big donors, agriculture and electric cooperatives and propane dealers.

Op Ed: Millennial Caucus Looks to the Future
Op Ed

Millennial Caucus Looks to the Future

Wisconsin Future Caucus is bipartisan group of state legislators under the age of 40.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Zielinski Bashes Barrett, Flynn
Eyes on Milwaukee

Zielinski Bashes Barrett, Flynn

And Ald. Borkowski joins in, bashing the budget of "Rip Van Barrett."

Wisconsin Budget: Taxes Down, But No Impact on Jobs
Wisconsin Budget

Taxes Down, But No Impact on Jobs

State has dropped its ranking for taxes and fees, yet trails other states in new jobs.