
MKE County: County COVID-19 Expenses Are Rising
MKE County

County COVID-19 Expenses Are Rising

Already in the millions. County may need to levy property taxes above the state-imposed limit.

Assembly Bill Responds to Pandemic

Assembly Bill Responds to Pandemic

Passes 97-2 but Hintz says more needed. "I refuse to admit this is all we can do.”

City Hall: Council Bids Farewell to Bob and Tony
City Hall

Council Bids Farewell to Bob and Tony

Aldermen Bob Donovan and Tony Zielinski attend their last council meeting and get a warm sendoff.

Larson Concedes to Crowley in Tight Race

Larson Concedes to Crowley in Tight Race

Crowley will be first African American Milwaukee County Executive elected in history.

Op Ed: Did Voter Backlash Defeat Kelly?
Op Ed

Did Voter Backlash Defeat Kelly?

Voters angry about in-person election may have reacted by opposing Republican choice for high court.

12 Election Takeaways

12 Election Takeaways

How high was turnout, lawyers will be busy, girl power, streetcar wins again and a new council president?

Biden Wins Big Over Sanders

Biden Wins Big Over Sanders

63 to 31 margin in state presidential primary; Biden criticizes holding of in-person election.

Karofsky Easily Defeats Kelly

Karofsky Easily Defeats Kelly

54-46 margin for liberal candidate in race for Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Murphy’s Law: 21 Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

21 Winners and Losers

Beyond the candidates, what was the election about, who were the other winners and losers?

2020 Spring Election Results

2020 Spring Election Results

Live City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County results for the April 7th Spring Election.

Some 6,000 City Ballots Lost in Mail

Some 6,000 City Ballots Lost in Mail

Ballots from Fox Point, Appleton, Oshkosh also lost. All went to downtown Milwaukee postal office.

Federal Lawsuit Challenges April Election

Federal Lawsuit Challenges April Election

Alleges voters were disenfranchised, seeks re-vote for them.