
Campaign Cash:  WMC Opposes Help for First Responders
Campaign Cash

WMC Opposes Help for First Responders

Big business group gets legislative change so it's harder for police, fire fighters to get workers comp.

More Than A Thousand Safer-At-Home Protesters Converge On Capitol
Nicholson Elected County Board Chairwoman

Nicholson Elected County Board Chairwoman

Marcelia Nicholson beats Willie Johnson, Jr. out for leadership of the county board.

GOP Donor Uihlein Calls COVID-19 “Overhyped”

GOP Donor Uihlein Calls COVID-19 “Overhyped”

Liz Uihlein, co-founding of Uline, is a major Trump donor spending millions on right-wing causes.

Op Ed: The Lethal Idiocy of MacIver Institute
Op Ed

The Lethal Idiocy of MacIver Institute

“Freedom” and the “free market” won’t solve the pandemic. It will spread the disease.

Conservative Groups Twist Coronavirus Facts

Conservative Groups Twist Coronavirus Facts

Think tank MacIver Institute and grassroots group #ReopenWisconsin misuse the data on COVID-19 for political ends.

Religious Leaders Back Safer At Home Extension

Religious Leaders Back Safer At Home Extension

An interfaith coalition criticized the state GOP's lawsuit seeking to dismiss the order.

Right-Wing Groups Linked to #ReopenWisconsin Campaign

Right-Wing Groups Linked to #ReopenWisconsin Campaign

Members of Americans for Prosperity, American Majority and John Birch Society have their hands in the campaign.

Op Ed: What Legislature Didn’t Do About Pandemic
Op Ed

What Legislature Didn’t Do About Pandemic

A number of good measures passed. But many important proposals were killed.

Data Wonk: Did Republicans Doom Dan Kelly?
Data Wonk

Did Republicans Doom Dan Kelly?

Many voters in red counties opposed him, perhaps in anger at being forced to vote in a pandemic.

Op Ed: 40 Policies That Helped Pollute State
Op Ed

40 Policies That Helped Pollute State

Over last decade state leaders have backed 40 actions that have harmed environment.

Murphy’s Law: How Hamilton Lost Council Presidency
Murphy’s Law

How Hamilton Lost Council Presidency

Will bad feelings linger over Cavalier Johnson’s victory?