
Plenty of Horne: We Want a New Arena!
Plenty of Horne

We Want a New Arena!

Bradley Center rally organized by MMAC featured five speakers touting the benefits of building a taxpayer-subsidized NBA arena.

How Local Economy Hurt by UWM Cuts

How Local Economy Hurt by UWM Cuts

Epic Creative, a fast-growing West Bend company, depends on graduates of UWM's excellent film department, which faces cutbacks.

Data Wonk: Push For $15 Minimum Wage A Mistake?
Data Wonk

Push For $15 Minimum Wage A Mistake?

Research clearly shows $10 minimum wage helps workers, but there’s no data to support hike to $15.

Murphy’s Law: State Bucks Arena Plan Fleeces Milwaukee
Murphy’s Law

State Bucks Arena Plan Fleeces Milwaukee

Proposed sports district gives all legal protection to the state and sticks it to Milwaukee, both financially and politically.

New Outdoor Cafe for Public Market?

New Outdoor Cafe for Public Market?

Plus, a new parking plan for the Pritzlaff Building and a huge increase in wedding bookings at the Pritzlaff. All were revealed at Third Ward ARB meeting.

Data Wonk: The Cult of the Free Market
Data Wonk

The Cult of the Free Market

Adam Smith gets distorted as partisan ideologues increasingly skew data to simplify reality.

Murphy’s Law: Why Businesses Are Moving To The City
Murphy’s Law

Why Businesses Are Moving To The City

Many are moving from suburbs to Downtown and Walker's Point, seeking younger workers.

Plenty of Horne: MIAD Students Could Be Future Stars
Plenty of Horne

MIAD Students Could Be Future Stars

School's increasing emphasis on designs with immediate commercial applications yields interesting results at spring Gallery Night.

YP Week: How To Become An Entrepreneur
YP Week

How To Become An Entrepreneur

Panel at The Commons offers advice, encouragement, and anecdotes.

Kiva Already Funding City Entrepreneurs

Kiva Already Funding City Entrepreneurs

In less than two months, 28 small businesses have gotten loans. Kiva hopes to increase that to 200.

Can Ray Cross Reposition the UW System?

Can Ray Cross Reposition the UW System?

Legislators see it as a Madison-centered liberal redoubt. Maybe it needs a stronger base in Milwaukee.

Data Wonk: Predicting Wisconsin’s Economic Future
Data Wonk

Predicting Wisconsin’s Economic Future

Two commentators fiercely disagree as to whether Wisconsin has turned the corner. Who’s right?