Murphy’s Law
Can Fallone Beat Roggensack?
Pat Roggensack leads the Supreme Court's conservative bloc and may be its most powerful justice. Ed Fallone blames a "dysfunctional court" on her.
Mar 21st, 2013 by Bruce MurphyPaul Ryan Most Overrated Politician?
The media has anointed him a policy wonk. But none of his numbers add up.
Mar 19th, 2013 by Bruce MurphyWisconsin a Tax Heaven for Businesses
The evidence suggests taxes are low on businesses, and have been for many years.
Mar 14th, 2013 by Bruce MurphyDemocrats in Disarray
The firing of its state spokesperson is just another sign the party has lost its way.
Mar 12th, 2013 by Bruce MurphyThe World According to Tim Sullivan
The business leader's unproven idea of a “skills gap” is misleading state policymakers.
Mar 7th, 2013 by Bruce MurphyMystery Around Dennis Smith Deepens
Departure of state health department secretary leaves many questions unanswered -- and lots of secrecy.
Mar 5th, 2013 by Bruce MurphySuper Scott
Democrats continue to underestimate Walker, even as he radically transforms the state.
Feb 28th, 2013 by Bruce MurphyVoucher Madness
Gov. Walker wants lots more choice schools, except in Republican districts. Why?
Feb 26th, 2013 by Bruce MurphyHow to Crush Milwaukee
Ending the residency requirement will deal a devastating blow to Milwaukee’s property tax base.
Feb 21st, 2013 by Bruce MurphyThe Not-So-Straight Story
Journal Sentinel coverage of county board downsizing misleads folks on both sides of issue.
Feb 19th, 2013 by Bruce MurphyThe African American Advantage
The county’s black residents have $3.6 billion in annual income and black neighborhoods have far more purchasing power than suburbs.
Feb 14th, 2013 by Bruce MurphyThe Return of Sue Black
How she got the new job. And will she run against Chris Abele?
Feb 12th, 2013 by Bruce Murphy