
These Businesses Offer Virtual and Alternative Activities

These Businesses Offer Virtual and Alternative Activities

What to do during the pandemic? A list of creative local companies offering activities.

Evers To Purchase Ventilators, Protective Equipment

Evers To Purchase Ventilators, Protective Equipment

Moves come after Republican lawmakers rejected a broad COVID-19 bill floated by Evers.

Archdiocese To House Homeless During Crisis

Archdiocese To House Homeless During Crisis

Facility that once housed nuns will provide housing for COVID-19 recovery, prevention.

State’s COVID-19 Case Count Rises to 1,112

State’s COVID-19 Case Count Rises to 1,112

10 deaths in Milwaukee County as of Sunday morning, all African Americans older than 50.

Op Ed: Foxconn Facility Could Help in Pandemic
Op Ed

Foxconn Facility Could Help in Pandemic

New building isn’t manufacturing anything but could become emergency treatment center.

Why the 1918 Flu Pandemic Was So Huge

Why the 1918 Flu Pandemic Was So Huge

An estimated 50 to 100 million people lost their lives.

Wisconsin Could Get $2.2 Billion Stimulus Funds

Wisconsin Could Get $2.2 Billion Stimulus Funds

And Milwaukee in line for $102.7 million in direct aid from COVID-19 stimulus fund.

Study Projects 853 COVID-19 Deaths in Wisconsin, 81,114 Nationwide

Study Projects 853 COVID-19 Deaths in Wisconsin, 81,114 Nationwide

Based on limited data, study predicts Wisconsin may not see its peak until May 22nd, last in the country.

COVID-19 Victimizes the Uninsured

COVID-19 Victimizes the Uninsured

And under-insured. Those lacking coverage struggle to get specialty care, hospital services.

Evers Acts to Boost Healthcare Workforce

Evers Acts to Boost Healthcare Workforce

Relaxes rules to allow state’s 2,750-plus physician assistants to help provide pandemic care.

Over 1,000 COVID-19 Cases in Wisconsin

Over 1,000 COVID-19 Cases in Wisconsin

State reports over 2,000 tests processed in one day for the first time.

Help Sew Masks for Healthcare Workers

Help Sew Masks for Healthcare Workers

Wantable is using its expertise to crowdsource masks for those on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic.