Positive Case Rate Highest Since March 14th
717 of 4,083 tested -- or 17.6% -- were positive, a new single day high.
Sep 8th, 2020 by Jeramey JanneneHealth Commissioner Says She Faced Racism, Sexism
"A constant power struggle from Day One," says outgoing commissioner Jeanette Kowalik.
Sep 8th, 2020 by Jeramey Jannene567 New COVID-19 Cases
Positive case rate continues to climb.
Sep 7th, 2020 by Jeramey JanneneThe Battle Over Face Masks
The limits of persuasion in a polarized state. Can science save lives and prevent threats?
Sep 7th, 2020 by Will Cushman, WisContextState Sees Record Percentage of Positive COVID-19 Tests
Testing continues to fall, but now positive cases are rising.
Sep 6th, 2020 by Jeramey JanneneCOVID Cases Rising at State’s Universities
Up 6.1% at UW-Madison, up 6% at UW-Milwaukee.
Sep 6th, 2020 by Rich Kremer, Wisconsin Public Radio946 New COVID-19 Cases
Cases are climbing while testing is falling.
Sep 5th, 2020 by Jeramey JanneneRecord COVID-19 Cases As a Result of Reporting Fix
Positive case rate, a measure of if enough testing is being done, continues to climb.
Sep 4th, 2020 by Jeramey JanneneCOVID-19 Positivity Rate Higher in Children Than Adults
Parents sending COVID-19 positive children to school, obstructing disease investigations.
Sep 4th, 2020 by Graham Kilmer“We’re Not Doing Enough Tests” Says State Disease Expert
"I think it's very safe to say that we're not doing enough tests," says Dr. Ryan Westergaard.
Sep 3rd, 2020 by Jeramey JanneneCOVID-19 Testing Continues to Fall
But cases aren't falling as fast.
Sep 2nd, 2020 by Jeramey JanneneHow Republicans Embrace COVID-19
The data shows a strange alliance; how the GOP helps a deadly virus spread.
Sep 2nd, 2020 by Bruce Thompson