
Now Serving: Return of The Cheel Nepalese Restaurant
Now Serving

Return of The Cheel Nepalese Restaurant

Plus: New location for sushi, new burger joint, and WMSE Chili Cookoff coming.

Wisconsin 8th in Nation in Vaccines Used

Wisconsin 8th in Nation in Vaccines Used

Has administered 80.2% of all doses it has received, better than 42 states, according to CDC.

Back in the News: Ron Johnson’s Latest Conspiracy Theory
Back in the News

Ron Johnson’s Latest Conspiracy Theory

Senator now blaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for Capitol riot.

Activists Demand Police Firings But Mayors Can’t

Activists Demand Police Firings But Mayors Can’t

Barrett, McBride lament lack of control over police chief. Law insulates police from elected officials.

Suit Opposes Waukesha-Milwaukee Water Plan

Suit Opposes Waukesha-Milwaukee Water Plan

Tiny Village of Waukesha seeks to stop extension of pipe through village limits.

City Activists Call for Rent Cancellation

City Activists Call for Rent Cancellation

Milwaukee’s S2 Real Estate has evicted 82 tenants since September.

The State of Politics: Fixing Highways, Funding Still a Puzzle
The State of Politics

Fixing Highways, Funding Still a Puzzle

Evers pushed to fix "Scottholes," and Legislature resisted. Now governor is backing off.

WI Daily: 671 New COVID-19 Cases, Lowest Since Christmas Holiday
WI Daily

671 New COVID-19 Cases, Lowest Since Christmas Holiday

Case count falling faster than testing totals

Plats and Parcels: Redevelopment Restarts on Walker’s Point Building
Plats and Parcels

Redevelopment Restarts on Walker’s Point Building

Building constructed on site steeped in Milwaukee history. And a week of real estate news.

Why Some Counties Have Fewer Cases

Why Some Counties Have Fewer Cases

Dane and St. Croix counties are well below other counties in per-capita COVID-19 numbers.

Op Ed: Why the War on Masks? Gerrymandering
Op Ed

Why the War on Masks? Gerrymandering

Republicans legislators with safe seats needn’t worry about voter blowback.

Conservative Lawsuit Demands a Wolf Hunt

Conservative Lawsuit Demands a Wolf Hunt

Hunter Nation says the rights of its 20,000 members violated by state ruling against wolf hunting.