
UW System Freshmen Applications Up 30%

UW System Freshmen Applications Up 30%

A sign students are ready to "leave the pandemic behind,” Thompson says.

School Officials, Families Blast GOP Budget

School Officials, Families Blast GOP Budget

Republican legislators’ proposal keeps school funding flat for two years.

Bill Changes School Transfer Rules for Athletes

Bill Changes School Transfer Rules for Athletes

No more waiting period after students transfer for athletics, if legislation passes.

School Funding Increase Actually a Property Tax Cut

School Funding Increase Actually a Property Tax Cut

GOP approved school aid will replace local property tax money, keep school funding flat.

Op-Ed: State Budget May Impact Your Child’s Classroom

State Budget May Impact Your Child’s Classroom

GOP legislators' budget could worsen the growing shortage of teachers.

Purdue Renames Dorms to Honor Mequon Sisters

Purdue Renames Dorms to Honor Mequon Sisters

Frieda Parker Hall and Winifred Parker Hall honor students who integrated dorms in 1947.

Op Ed: Why Legislators Fear Critical Race Theory
Op Ed

Why Legislators Fear Critical Race Theory

White fragility drives GOP bill to hide darkest chapters of American history.

Op Ed: How Rocketship Transformation School Helped My Son
Op Ed

How Rocketship Transformation School Helped My Son

As mother of a child with special needs, I've seen the impact of its approach.

State High Court Blocks School Closures

State High Court Blocks School Closures

Local health departments can’t order closures, 4-3 Supreme Court decision rules.

Republican Plan Loses $2.3 Billion for Schools

Republican Plan Loses $2.3 Billion for Schools

State lawmakers slashed education funding below federal minimum requirements.

Marquette Requiring COVID-19 Vaccination

Marquette Requiring COVID-19 Vaccination

Beloit College and Lawrence University will also require vaccinations.

MPS Fights Two Pandemics

MPS Fights Two Pandemics

COVID-19 and inequality. Lower rates of vaccination and less academic progress for minorities.