UW Shouldn’t Hide Finalist Names
Provision slipped into budget allows universities to hide names of top candidates for key positions. No other state agencies enjoy this exemption.
Jul 2nd, 2015 by Bill LuedersTeens Learn Work Skills at Cafe @ Large
Local teens hone business and barista skills at Cafe @ Large
Jun 29th, 2015 by Madeline Kennedy, Milwaukee Neighborhood News ServiceIs Teach for America “Problematic”?
Milwaukee school board members have complained about the program. A TFA corps member responds.
Jun 23rd, 2015 by Laney Keeshin, Milwaukee Neighborhood News ServiceWhy Doesn’t Milwaukee Embrace Charter Schools?
Data shows they work better than MPS schools, but board adamantly opposes them.
May 20th, 2015 by Bruce ThompsonFive Truths for Urban Teachers
Classes of 30 to 40 students and the toll of poverty are challenges, yet I love the students.
May 6th, 2015 by Laney KeeshinHow Local Economy Hurt by UWM Cuts
Epic Creative, a fast-growing West Bend company, depends on graduates of UWM's excellent film department, which faces cutbacks.
Apr 28th, 2015 by John TorinusSeeking New Vision for Wisconsin Education
Meeting of statewide educators and community leaders finds a need to rethink UW System and better connect it to business and K-12 schools.
Apr 23rd, 2015 by John TorinusThe Charter School Advantage
A new study shows charter schools outperform MPS schools. But they still trail the average state school.
Apr 15th, 2015 by Bruce ThompsonDon’t Change UW System’s Governance
There’s already an exodus of top faculty concerned about ending tenure.
Apr 12th, 2015 by William L. Holahan and Charles O. KronckeCharter School Leaders Say Oversight Needed
Republican plan for Milwaukee would allow high-performing charter schools to replicate without any approving authority.
Apr 7th, 2015 by Jabril Faraj, Milwaukee Neighborhood News ServiceWalker Plan for UW System Could Backfire
Financial and academic reductions could actually result in fewer and less prepared workers for the rapidly changing workplace.
Apr 6th, 2015 by William L. Holahan and Charles O. KronckeCan Ray Cross Reposition the UW System?
Legislators see it as a Madison-centered liberal redoubt. Maybe it needs a stronger base in Milwaukee.
Apr 2nd, 2015 by John Torinus