Data Wonk

Data Wonk: Supreme Court May Disappoint Conservatives
Data Wonk

Supreme Court May Disappoint Conservatives

Their past decisions may force them to rule against those appealing the John Doe investigation.

Data Wonk: The Milwaukee Advantage
Data Wonk

The Milwaukee Advantage

Why is population growth here better than in most Great Lakes states?

Data Wonk: The Democratic Disadvantage
Data Wonk

The Democratic Disadvantage

Republicans can continue to control the legislature with 46% of the statewide vote. How can Democrats overcome this edge?

Data Wonk: Will New EPA Rules Hurt Wisconsin’s Economy?
Data Wonk

Will New EPA Rules Hurt Wisconsin’s Economy?

Looking at the impact of efforts to combat global warming.

Data Wonk: Walker’s Record on Unemployment
Data Wonk

Walker’s Record on Unemployment

Wisconsin has had less success reducing unemployment than surrounding states. Why?

Milwaukee Is a Great Lakes Star

Milwaukee Is a Great Lakes Star

New census estimates show Milwaukee’s population is growing faster than any other Great Lakes city.

Journal Sentinel Gets Snookered by Walker

Journal Sentinel Gets Snookered by Walker

Newspaper’s vaunted Politifact column approves of Walker’s very misleading claim about state job growth.

Decline of the Dairy State

Decline of the Dairy State

Walker’s policies may help depopulate farms. How will cities be affected?

Why Utah Scores High on New Economy Rankings

Why Utah Scores High on New Economy Rankings

Yes, it’s conservative, but it strongly supports rail transit and urban living. Final story of a series.

Why Wisconsin Lags in High Tech Economy

Why Wisconsin Lags in High Tech Economy

Are the state’s liberals too opposed to change? Part II in a series.

Wisconsin Lags in Building a High Tech Economy

Wisconsin Lags in Building a High Tech Economy

Which states and cities lead the way in building a new economy? Part I of a three-part series.

Myths About the Minimum Wage

Myths About the Minimum Wage

Economists don’t agree that raising the minimum wage reduces employment. It actually increases jobs in fast-food industry.