Data Wonk

Data Wonk: Millennials And The Streetcar
Data Wonk

Millennials And The Streetcar

Will it attract young professionals?

Data Wonk: Does Walker Have Losing Strategy for Global Warming?
Data Wonk

Does Walker Have Losing Strategy for Global Warming?

States that are unfriendly to new technologies confronting the problem could be economic losers.

Data Wonk: The Bogus Claims on Right to Work
Data Wonk

The Bogus Claims on Right to Work

Serious researchers on impact offer many caveats, which advocates blithely ignore.

Data Wonk: The Real Impact of the Minimum Wage
Data Wonk

The Real Impact of the Minimum Wage

A new study by the non­partisan Congressional Budget Office looks at the costs and benefits.

Data Wonk: The Impact of Right to Work Laws
Data Wonk

The Impact of Right to Work Laws

State Republican leaders want to pass such a law. What will be the impact on jobs and wages?

Data Wonk: Wisconsin Taxes and Inequality
Data Wonk

Wisconsin Taxes and Inequality

Have Walker’s tax changes increased or decreased inequality in the state?

Data Wonk: Wisconsin Is Now a Republican Oligopoly
Data Wonk

Wisconsin Is Now a Republican Oligopoly

Election results reveal Democrats now start all elections with a ten percent disadvantage.

Data Wonk: The Rise in Income Inequality
Data Wonk

The Rise in Income Inequality

The problem is national, but choices made by Walker and the Republicans may widen or reduce it in Wisconsin

Data Wonk: Walker Decision on Obamacare Is Costly
Data Wonk

Walker Decision on Obamacare Is Costly

New numbers allow for analysis of Affordable Care Act’s impact nationally and in Wisconsin.

Data Wonk: Do Democrats Have a Future?
Data Wonk

Do Democrats Have a Future?

They need to get 55 percent of the vote to get back the legislature. Will any strategy work?

Data Wonk: Evaluating The Burke and Walker Jobs Plans
Data Wonk

Evaluating The Burke and Walker Jobs Plans

Can either reverse the state’s long-term trend of lagging national job growth?

Data Wonk: The Assault on Wisconsin’s Campaign Laws
Data Wonk

The Assault on Wisconsin’s Campaign Laws

Given higher court’s slap-down of Judge Randa’s decisions overthrowing Wisconsin laws, just where does the law now stand?