Arts & Entertainment

Sponsored: Holiday Happenings

Holiday Happenings

Shop the best of the west at Holiday Happenings on West Vliet Street and North Avenue, Friday, Nov. 13 from 5-9PM and Saturday, Nov. 14 from 10-4. Visit galleries, boutiques, gift shops and restaurants; plus surprise visits from Santa and an opportunity to win a gift basket. Visit for more information and a complete list of events.

Band of the Week: Piles Plays Rock With Skateboard Sensibility
Band of the Week

Piles Plays Rock With Skateboard Sensibility

Yet they cite Neil Diamond as a key influence. Go figure.

Sponsored: Dough, Ho, Ho!

Dough, Ho, Ho!

Dough, Ho, Ho! It’s time for the 7th annual Marcus Restaurants Holiday Cookie Contest. Submit your favorite recipe for a chance to win the Grand Prize, which includes a whole batch of sweet surprises. Enter online at November 2-29.

The Ticket Window: Joe Satriani, Paula Poundstone & Charlie Sykes?
The Ticket Window

Joe Satriani, Paula Poundstone & Charlie Sykes?

10 new shows announced that-- for the most part -- won't make you say "humbug."

Sponsored: Holiday Happenings

Holiday Happenings

Shop the best of the west at Holiday Happenings on West Vliet Street and North Avenue, Friday, Nov. 13 from 5-9PM and Saturday, Nov. 14 from 10-4. Visit galleries, boutiques, gift shops and restaurants; plus surprise visits from Santa and an opportunity to win a gift basket. Visit for more information and a complete list of events.

Bar Exam: Oscar’s Is a Classic South Side Pub
Bar Exam

Oscar’s Is a Classic South Side Pub

A century old, just below 16th St. Viaduct, known for its hamburgers and reasonably priced micro beers.

Sponsored: Holiday Happenings

Holiday Happenings

Shop the best of the west at Holiday Happenings on West Vliet Street and North Avenue, Friday, Nov. 13 from 5-9PM and Saturday, Nov. 14 from 10-4. Visit galleries, boutiques, gift shops and restaurants; plus surprise visits from Santa and an opportunity to win a gift basket. Visit for more information and a complete list of events.

Now Serving: The Food Trucks Cometh
Now Serving

The Food Trucks Cometh

A new truck specializing in Dutch food. And the Falafel Guys open a sit-down restaurant.

Sponsored: Dough, Ho, Ho!

Dough, Ho, Ho!

Dough, Ho, Ho! It’s time for the 7th annual Marcus Restaurants Holiday Cookie Contest. Submit your favorite recipe for a chance to win the Grand Prize, which includes a whole batch of sweet surprises. Enter online at November 2-29.

Art: “The Hotel Is a Creative Force”

“The Hotel Is a Creative Force”

Painter Todd Mrozinski loves his post as Pfister Artist-in-Residence

Sponsored: Dough, Ho, Ho!

Dough, Ho, Ho!

Dough, Ho, Ho! It’s time for the 7th annual Marcus Restaurants Holiday Cookie Contest. Submit your favorite recipe for a chance to win the Grand Prize, which includes a whole batch of sweet surprises. Enter online at November 2-29.

Classical: The Last Days of Lecce-Chong

The Last Days of Lecce-Chong

Milwaukee Symphony Associate Conductor Francesco Lecce-Chong's second last gig here is all-choral concert.