
217 N. Broadway, Milwaukee, WI 53202

Swig. Photo taken by Sinead Eby.

Swig is a restaurant located at 217 N. Broadway in the Historic Third Ward neighborhood.

The Historic Third Ward is a neighborhood located immediately south of downtown Milwaukee.

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Recent Press Releases Referencing Swig

East Side BID Executive Director Job Posting

Dynamic Leader Sought for Milwaukee’s Creative Crossroads

East Side BID

East Side on the Lam: A Prohibition-Themed Trick or Treat for “Something Stronger”

This 20s/30s style night-out “honors” the passing of the 18th amendment 100 years ago and is inspired by Milwaukee’s own prohibition history.

Hospitality Democracy Announces Swig Closing

"We have truly enjoyed the experience and camaraderie at Swig over the past 15 years, and we are sad to see it go."

People Associated With Swig