Related Press Releases - Page 13

Competition Announces Two Winners to Advance New, Clean Water Technologies

Competition Announces Two Winners to Advance New, Clean Water Technologies

Pilot Deployment Program selects two winners to move water technology working prototypes, to real world pilot sites

LCV Action Fund, Sierra Club Endorse Russ Feingold for U.S. Senate

LCV Action Fund, Sierra Club Endorse Russ Feingold for U.S. Senate

“I’m grateful to have the support of LCV, the Sierra Club, and their members.”

Youth Activists to Rally Against Reckless Pipeline Expansion Outside Milwaukee Democratic Debate

Youth Activists to Rally Against Reckless Pipeline Expansion Outside Milwaukee Democratic Debate

Activists from across the Great Lakes oppose Enbridge’s Alberta Clipper tar sands pipeline expansion scheme

With I-94 Decision Pending, State & Local Leaders Oppose Wasteful Expansion, Call for Smarter Local Investments

With I-94 Decision Pending, State & Local Leaders Oppose Wasteful Expansion, Call for Smarter Local Investments

Coalition Points to Ongoing Transportation Funding Crisis, Public Opposition; Demands More Cost-Effective Alternatives

Legal and Technical Experts Tell DNR Waukesha’s Application Does Not Comply with Great Lakes Compact
Transportation Budget Brings Much-Needed Scrutiny to Questionable Highway Projects

Transportation Budget Brings Much-Needed Scrutiny to Questionable Highway Projects

Groups Applaud JFC Motion to Audit WisDOT Traffic Forecasts, Call for Stop to Wasteful Projects

Statewide Coalition, Officials Call for Responsible Transportation Budget, Oppose I-94 Expansion

Statewide Coalition, Officials Call for Responsible Transportation Budget, Oppose I-94 Expansion

Ahead of Budget Vote, Coalition Calls for Local Infrastructure Fixes, Not I-94 Boondoggle

Coalition Urges Budget Committee to Stop I-94 Expansion, Save Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions

Coalition Urges Budget Committee to Stop I-94 Expansion, Save Taxpayers Hundreds of Millions

With Transportation Budget Negotiations at an Impasse, Cut to Highway Expansions Could Reduce Bonding, Bring Funds for Local Infrastructure Down the Road

Charrette and PlaceMaking Discussions Shape 30th Street Corridor

Charrette and PlaceMaking Discussions Shape 30th Street Corridor

A neighborhood design charrette is taking place on Tuesday, January 20th from 5:30 pm to 7 pm

Community and Elected Leaders Oppose WISDOT’s ‘Billion Dollar Boondoggle’ At Hearing on I-94 East-West Corridor

Community and Elected Leaders Oppose WISDOT’s ‘Billion Dollar Boondoggle’ At Hearing on I-94 East-West Corridor

WISDOT’s Preferred Options Are Poorly Outlined, Costly, Wasteful, and Require Higher Taxes, Fees

Concerned Residents Travel to Capitol to Tell Gov. Walker:  Stop Wasteful Highway Expansions
Concerned Residents Travel to Capitol to Tell Gov. Walker

Stop Wasteful Highway Expansions

Wisconsin’s transportation priorities are backwards and need to be fixed now.

Supervisor Alexander Urges Public to Learn About  ‘Citizens United’ Before Referendum

Supervisor Alexander Urges Public to Learn About ‘Citizens United’ Before Referendum

The Milwaukee County Board has authorized a referendum question for the November 4, 2014 election ballot.

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