Related Press Releases - Page 6

As Health Care Debate Shifts, Senator Baldwin and Senate Colleagues Lead Milestone Effort to Bring Down Prescription Drug Prices

As Health Care Debate Shifts, Senator Baldwin and Senate Colleagues Lead Milestone Effort to Bring Down Prescription Drug Prices

Landmark proposal introduced by group of key Senate Democrats to improve the Affordable Care Act by addressing skyrocketing drug prices

Tony Baez Announces Endorsement from AFSCME Council 32

Tony Baez Announces Endorsement from AFSCME Council 32

AFSCME sees Dr. Baez as best choice for MPS, working people in Milwaukee

Stop Layoffs and Union Busting at MPM

Stop Layoffs and Union Busting at MPM

The union has planned a picket for Wednesday, March 8th at 5:00 p.m. at MPM.

Baldwin and Cummings Introduce Legislation to Slow Revolving Door between Wall Street and Washington

Baldwin and Cummings Introduce Legislation to Slow Revolving Door between Wall Street and Washington

Financial Services Conflict of Interest Act would have prohibited golden parachute payouts Trump nominees received

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Announces New Executive Director

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Announces New Executive Director

Jason Sidener to be the Democratic Party of Wisconsin's next Executive Director.

Edgar Lin Endorsed by Two Leading Milwaukee Newspapers

Edgar Lin Endorsed by Two Leading Milwaukee Newspapers

Leading Challenger in 16th AD Race Continue to Rack up Endorsements

District Attorney John Chisholm earns support of community leaders, elected officials, labor unions, citizen organizations, and law enforcement groups

District Attorney John Chisholm earns support of community leaders, elected officials, labor unions, citizen organizations, and law enforcement groups

Chisholm, a veteran of the United States Army, was first elected in 2006 after serving 12 years as an assistant prosecutor, including leading the gun unit.

Darrol Gibson Announces Impressive Slate of Endorsements Including Congresswoman Gwen Moore

Darrol Gibson Announces Impressive Slate of Endorsements Including Congresswoman Gwen Moore

Darrol is the only candidate running for a seat in the Wisconsin State Legislature this fall to receive a primary endorsement from Congresswoman Moore.

Edgar Lin Announces Major Endorsements

Edgar Lin Announces Major Endorsements

Local Unions, Community Organizations and Community Leaders Express Support for Leading Challenger in 16th AD Race

AFSCME Endorses David Crowley for State Assembly

AFSCME Endorses David Crowley for State Assembly

"David has been a champion for labor throughout his career." said Jason Sidener.

Marisabel Cabrera Announces Endorsement of AFSCME

Marisabel Cabrera Announces Endorsement of AFSCME

Wisconsin PEOPLE Conference of AFSCME Council 32 committed to a new era of representation

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Encourages States to Expand Medicaid with New Legislation

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Encourages States to Expand Medicaid with New Legislation

Bill would ensure equal level of federal matching funds for states expanding Medicaid after 2014

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