Related Press Releases - Page 5

Pocan Statement on Supreme Court Ruling in Janus v. AFSCME

Pocan Statement on Supreme Court Ruling in Janus v. AFSCME

"We must stand up for the millions of middle class families who are under attack by Republican leaders and rulings like the one delivered today by the Supreme Court."

MacIver Institute Applauds Supreme Court’s Pro-Worker Decision in Janus v. AFSCME

MacIver Institute Applauds Supreme Court’s Pro-Worker Decision in Janus v. AFSCME

High Court restores basic workplace freedom stripped in 1977

At Rally, Labor Leaders Say Mitchell Tested as a Leader and Individual, “He Always Rises to the Occasion”

At Rally, Labor Leaders Say Mitchell Tested as a Leader and Individual, “He Always Rises to the Occasion”

Wisconsin AFL-CIO and IAFF are just two of Mitchell’s growing list of endorsements.

Mahlon Mitchell to Wisconsin Democratic Convention: “Let’s Make History”
Mahlon Mitchell to Wisconsin Democratic Convention

“Let’s Make History”

"I’m asking for your help in Wisconsin."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Legislation to Strengthen Labor Protections for Public Safety Workers

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Introduces Legislation to Strengthen Labor Protections for Public Safety Workers

Bicameral legislation to ensure collective bargaining rights for police officers, firefighters and EMS personnel

Bryce Announces First Quarter Fundraising Figures: $2.1 Million
Bryce Announces First Quarter Fundraising Figures

$2.1 Million

The campaign has raised more than any other Ryan challenger in the last 20 years

Working Wisconsinites Endorse Dallet for Justice

Working Wisconsinites Endorse Dallet for Justice

Endorsers Include Wisconsin State AFL-CIO, AFSCME Wisconsin Council 32, WEAC, MTI, IBEW Local 494, Plumbers Local 75, SEIU Wisconsin State Council, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers District 10, United Steelworkers District 2, UAW Wisconsin State CAP Council, Teamsters Joint Council 39

Pocan Statement on Supreme Court Holding Oral Arguments for Janus v. AFSCME

Pocan Statement on Supreme Court Holding Oral Arguments for Janus v. AFSCME

"We should strengthen, not weaken, public sector unions..."

Desperate Unions Revive Another Failed Attempt to Overturn Act 10

Desperate Unions Revive Another Failed Attempt to Overturn Act 10

Healy: “Unions need to realize they can’t force someone to join and they can’t bully taxpayers into submission.”

Pocan Statement on Trump Administration Reversing Position to Attack Public Sector Unions

Pocan Statement on Trump Administration Reversing Position to Attack Public Sector Unions

"President Trump appealed to hard working voters, but he is governing solely for the wealthy donor class who funded his campaign."

Right Wing Funded Attack on Workers to be Heard by U.S. Supreme Court

Right Wing Funded Attack on Workers to be Heard by U.S. Supreme Court

Legal Effort Seeks to Keep Ideologues, Politicians From Being Held Accountable For Tilting the System Against Working People

Pocan Statement on Supreme Court Agreeing to Hear <em>Janus v. AFSCME</em>

Pocan Statement on Supreme Court Agreeing to Hear Janus v. AFSCME

"This case is just another example of President Trump rigging the economy against workers and in favor of his wealthy friends."

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