COA Goldin Center

2320 W. Burleigh St., Milwaukee, WI 53206

COA Goldin Center is a business/organization located at 2320 W. Burleigh St. .

Business Info

  • 2320 W. Burleigh St. Milwaukee, WI 53206


Recent Press Releases Referencing COA Goldin Center

Celebrating the Life of Quanita ‘Tay’ Jackson

"Tay was a talented rapper and vocalist who used her art to spread a message of love and light."

Susan G. Komen Wisconsin

Conversations with Komen Gets Movin’ With WERQ

Conversations with Komen, presented by Kohl’s, partners with Milwaukee’s WERQ fitness classes for Healthy Lifestyle classes at the Komen Corner

Susan G. Komen Wisconsin Announces New Program Manager

Conversations with Komen welcomes new leadership and program opportunities

People Associated With COA Goldin Center