Building Info

1005 N. Edison St. Photo by Dave Reid.
  • Address:
    1005 N. Edison St.
  • Taxkey:
  • Status:
  • Assessed Value (Land):
  • Assessed Value (Improvements):
  • Assessed Value (Total):
  • Assesment Year:
  • Year Built:
  • Size:
    18,784 sq-ft

1005 N. Edison St. is a warehouse owned and used by Rojahn & Malaney Company. The Edison, a 15-story mass timber apartment building, was proposed for the site in 2021.


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Content referencing 1005 N. Edison St.

The Edison Secures Parking Lease From City, Gears Up For Groundbreaking

The Edison Secures Parking Lease From City, Gears Up For Groundbreaking

32-story tower would be country's tallest mass timber building.

Downtown’s Second Mass Timber Tower Moves Toward Groundbreaking

Downtown’s Second Mass Timber Tower Moves Toward Groundbreaking

City working on final approvals, but a snag remains in shared parking lease.

Tallest Building in Wisconsin Proposal Could Be Downsized, Stalled

Tallest Building in Wisconsin Proposal Could Be Downsized, Stalled

Alderman Robert Bauman wants a market study conducted for each bid the city received.

New Development Boasts Tallest Building in Wisconsin

New Development Boasts Tallest Building in Wisconsin

City unveils $700 million redevelopment proposal for Marcus Center parking strucuture.

Public Approval Process Starting For Country’s Tallest Mass Timber Building

Public Approval Process Starting For Country’s Tallest Mass Timber Building

And company hopes to build an even taller building next door.

140-Year-Old Florist Closing

140-Year-Old Florist Closing

DWF Wholesale Florists and its predecessors have Milwaukee roots going back to the 1870s.

Eyes on Milwaukee: New Mass Timber Building Could Be Tallest in U.S.
Eyes on Milwaukee

New Mass Timber Building Could Be Tallest in U.S.

Plan for The Edison is 28 stories, taller than Ascent, but shorter than Australian tower.

Friday Photos: Riverfront Warehouse Being Demolished For Timber Tower
Friday Photos

Riverfront Warehouse Being Demolished For Timber Tower

It would be Milwaukee's second mass-timber high-rise building.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Second Mass Timber Tower Advances
Eyes on Milwaukee

Second Mass Timber Tower Advances

Developer buys site for 15-floor apartment building, would replace warehouse along Milwaukee River.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Riverwalk Building Will Be Very Green
Eyes on Milwaukee

Riverwalk Building Will Be Very Green

15-story downtown mass timber tower, The Edison, aims for carbon neutral standard.

Eyes on Milwaukee: The Edison Will Add Restaurant, Commercial Space to Riverwalk
Eyes on Milwaukee

The Edison Will Add Restaurant, Commercial Space to Riverwalk

Site is currently a floral warehouse. Developer secures approval to add landscaping, patio to city land.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Second Mass Timber Tower Files for Design Approval
Eyes on Milwaukee

Second Mass Timber Tower Files for Design Approval

City Plan Commission will review proposed building on Aug. 23rd.

Eyes on Milwaukee: 15-Story Mass Timber Tower for Riverfront
Eyes on Milwaukee

15-Story Mass Timber Tower for Riverfront

220 apartments, but little parking in downtown building, as firm pushes environmental benefits.

The Milwaukee Brewery District

The Milwaukee Brewery District

The impact of a semi-successful early 80's plan for a large stretch of downtown.

Building data on this page, including assessment information, was last updated on April 5, 2024

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