Dr. Jill Underly

Recent Articles

Lobbyist Brittany Kinser Sides with Republicans to Tie Wisconsin Schools to a Failing Federal Test
Statement from Jill Underly, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, on tonight’s election results
Underly Campaign Launches Digital Ad Blitz in Advance of February 18 Primary
Wisconsin AFL-CIO Endorses Jill Underly for Re-Election as State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Wisconsin Congresswoman Gwen Moore Endorses Jill Underly for Re-Election as State Superintendent
More Working Families Endorse Jill Underly for Superintendent
34 State Legislators Endorse Jill Underly for State Superintendent
Underly Supports Safe In-Person Learning in Wisconsin Schools
Press Release

Underly Supports Safe In-Person Learning in Wisconsin Schools

Unlike her opponent, Underly emphasizes informed, local decision-making, not a state mandate

Former Governor Jim Doyle Endorses Jill Underly for State Superintendent
Labor Unions Rally Around Jill Underly for State Superintendent
Press Release

Labor Unions Rally Around Jill Underly for State Superintendent

Wisconsin United Auto Workers, AFT, AFL-CIO and IBEW endorse Dr. Jill Underly

Reps. Ron Kind, Gwen Moore, and Mark Pocan Endorse Jill Underly for Superintendent
Alex Lasry Endorses Jill Underly for Superintendent
Outagamie County Executive Tom Nelson Endorses Jill Underly for Superintendent
State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski Endorses Jill Underly for Superintendent
Dr. Jill Underly Advances to the General Election
Southeast Wisconsin Urban Educators Trust Jill Underly
Former Superintendents Grover & Benson Endorse Jill Underly
Underly Campaign Announces Endorsement of 12 State Legislators
Jill Underly Announces Candidacy for State Superintendent of Public Instruction