Clean Wisconsin

Recent Articles

Microsoft shrugs off company climate goals to support burning methane gas for AI data centers
This Groundwater Awareness Week, Clean Wisconsin calls on lawmakers to fund more well testing
Threats to federal funding for pollution cleanup, clean energy initiatives spark anger in Wisconsin communities
Midwest grid operator approves plan that will support dramatic clean energy growth in Wisconsin
PSC approves most powerful solar project in Wisconsin history
Press Release

PSC approves most powerful solar project in Wisconsin history

Vista Sands Solar will displace millions of tons of carbon dioxide and other pollutants over its lifespan

Clean Wisconsin considers legal challenge to Line 5 permits
More Than 1,000 Wisconsinites Sign Open Letter to Microsoft
DNR issues Environmental Impact Statement for Line 5 pipeline
Press Release

DNR issues Environmental Impact Statement for Line 5 pipeline

Agency will now decide whether to allow construction of the controversial pipeline

New EPA Power Plant Rules Will Save Lives in Wisconsin
Press Release

New EPA Power Plant Rules Will Save Lives in Wisconsin

New standards will slash carbon, coal ash, mercury, contaminated wastewater and other toxic pollution from power plants.

PFAS Bill Puts Burden of PFAS Cleanup on Wisconsin Taxpayers
Press Release

PFAS Bill Puts Burden of PFAS Cleanup on Wisconsin Taxpayers

Clean Wisconsin urges Gov. Evers to veto SB 312

Victory for Clean Water Protections in Wisconsin!
Press Release

Victory for Clean Water Protections in Wisconsin!

Court Rejects CAFO Lobby’s Attempt to Eliminate Oversight of Wisconsin’s Largest Livestock Operations

Senate PFAS bill amendment falls short, but broad support remains for critical component of the bill
Evers’ Veto Supports Cleaner, Healthier Wisconsin Communities
Wisconsin’s Smoky Summer Should be a Wakeup Call for Policymakers
Clean Wisconsin weighs-in on major PFAS bill, calls for changes to language that could weaken spills law
Press Release

Clean Wisconsin weighs-in on major PFAS bill, calls for changes to language that could weaken spills law

Bill provides funding to help Wisconsin communities address “forever chemicals” but could constrain state’s ability to hold polluters accountable.

Disastrous Supreme Court Ruling Underscores Importance of Wisconsin’s Wetland Protections
Agricultural and environmental groups partner on Clean Water budget priorities
Proposed federal PFAS limits signal growing concern over health risks of “forever chemicals”
Press Release

Proposed federal PFAS limits signal growing concern over health risks of “forever chemicals”

Federal PFAS limits are far lower, more expansive than current Wisconsin standards

Clean Wisconsin Calls for Tougher Limits on Deadly Soot Pollution
Press Release

Clean Wisconsin Calls for Tougher Limits on Deadly Soot Pollution

Stronger limits could prevent nearly 150 premature deaths in Wisconsin every year.

More energy on less land: Analysis reveals solar farms produce 100 times more energy per acre than corn ethanol
Press Release

More energy on less land: Analysis reveals solar farms produce 100 times more energy per acre than corn ethanol

One million acres of land in Wisconsin is currently used to grow corn for ethanol

Clean Wisconsin calls on EPA to protect Wisconsinites from dangerous leaded aviation fuel
Press Release

Clean Wisconsin calls on EPA to protect Wisconsinites from dangerous leaded aviation fuel

Small, recreational aircraft are the largest source of lead air pollution in Wisconsin. People living near airports that serve small planes are most at risk for exposure.

PSC takes step to reduce We Energies’ profit margin in rate case
Clean Wisconsin Files Brief Urging PSC to Reject We Energies Rate Settlement
Modeling Shows Net-Zero Emissions Possible for Wisconsin by 2050
Press Release

Modeling Shows Net-Zero Emissions Possible for Wisconsin by 2050

Achieving Net Zero Would Expand Wisconsin’s Economy While Saving Billions in Healthcare Costs

U.S. Supreme Court Limits EPA Ability to Fight Climate Crisis
Press Release

U.S. Supreme Court Limits EPA Ability to Fight Climate Crisis

Court decision restricts future EPA regulation of power plant carbon emissions under the Clean Air Act

Wisconsin gets first ever standards for PFAS as EPA warns the “forever chemicals” pose far greater risk than once thought
Study shows Wisconsin has one of the largest racial disparities in the nation for exposure to dangerous air pollution particles
Circuit Court Decision on Nemadji Gas Plant is a Step Backward for Wisconsin
Press Release

Circuit Court Decision on Nemadji Gas Plant is a Step Backward for Wisconsin

Court upholds PSC decision to greenlight unneeded power plant in Superior

Drinking water contaminated with fertilizer, animal manure and human waste:  SWIGG study paints concerning picture for rural southwestern Wisconsinites
Kinnard Farms sues DNR to block needed drinking water protections
Gov. Evers’ Clean Energy Plan Invests in Wisconsin’s Workforce, Homegrown Energy, and a Healthy Future
Wisconsin Supreme Court Denies Meteor Timber Appeal in Wetlands Case
Sen. Baldwin Secures Millions of Dollars for Safe Drinking Water Improvements in Wisconsin
Press Release

Sen. Baldwin Secures Millions of Dollars for Safe Drinking Water Improvements in Wisconsin

Federal Government Steps in Where State Lawmakers Fall Short on PFAS

Needed Expansion of Wisconsin Clean Energy, Energy Efficiency & Water Conservation Finance Program Signed into Law
Press Release

Needed Expansion of Wisconsin Clean Energy, Energy Efficiency & Water Conservation Finance Program Signed into Law

Clean Wisconsin applauds expansion of PACE program to include electric-vehicle infrastructure, stormwater-control measures and energy-reliability improvements

NRB takes modest step to protect families from PFAS contamination, leaves out rural Wisconsinites
Natural Resources Board Sees Widespread Public Support for State PFAS Standards
Appeals Court Sides with Clean Wisconsin and Ho-Chunk Nation to Protect Rare Wetland
Clean Wisconsin Applauds House Passage of Largest Effort to Fight Climate Change in American History
Legislative Roadblocks Force DNR to Abandon Water Pollution Protections
A First Step: Infrastructure Act Invests in Clean Transportation, Safe Water and Climate Resilience
It’s time for bold, urgent action to move Wisconsin away from coal
Press Release

It’s time for bold, urgent action to move Wisconsin away from coal

Retiring coal plants is good news, but it must happen faster

Wisconsin Must Move Forward Now to Protect Families from “Forever Chemicals”
Press Release

Wisconsin Must Move Forward Now to Protect Families from “Forever Chemicals”

State on the verge of implementing PFAS regulations next year

Drug take back boxes gain support from Gov. Evers
Press Release

Drug take back boxes gain support from Gov. Evers

Drop boxes around city help protect drinking water from medical waste

Statement on Cowles Water Quality Trading Bill
Press Release

Statement on Cowles Water Quality Trading Bill

"I am encouraged to see continued attention on solutions that will reduce the phosphorus pollution that plagues our waterways."

Statement on Governor’s pledge for funding SWIGG study, well compensation grant program
Press Release

Statement on Governor’s pledge for funding SWIGG study, well compensation grant program

"Clean drinking water for everyone in our state means making sure families living with contaminated water are helped immediately."

Statement on EPA’s replacement to Clean Power Plan
Press Release

Statement on EPA’s replacement to Clean Power Plan

"The EPA’s proposed rule fails to address climate change while catering to special interests in the fossil fuel industry."

Clean Wisconsin files lawsuit challenging U.S. EPA’s failure to reduce unhealthy smog
Press Release

Clean Wisconsin files lawsuit challenging U.S. EPA’s failure to reduce unhealthy smog

Ozone smog harms people with respiratory disease, older adults, children and other vulnerable people.

Statement on legal win for wetlands
Press Release

Statement on legal win for wetlands

"This is a significant victory for the people of Wisconsin, our pristine wetlands, and the integrity of our environmental laws."

Statement on DNR approval of Racine water diversion
Press Release

Statement on DNR approval of Racine water diversion

"This proposed diversion does not meet the letter or spirit of the Great Lakes Compact," said Ezra Meyer, Water Resources Specialist.

Manure spreading protections on the right track
Press Release

Manure spreading protections on the right track

NR 151 the first step of many needed to fix drinking water contamination in Northeast WI

Clean Wisconsin applauds clean energy transition by WE Energies & WPS
Press Release

Clean Wisconsin applauds clean energy transition by WE Energies & WPS

350 megawatt solar investment in Wisconsin biggest in state

Wisconsin’s Waters Win in Clean Wisconsin High-Capacity Well Case
Press Release

Wisconsin’s Waters Win in Clean Wisconsin High-Capacity Well Case

Court orders to vacate seven permits, remand one for consideration

Clean Wisconsin statement on Clean Power Plan repeal
Press Release

Clean Wisconsin statement on Clean Power Plan repeal

Trump Administration turns blind eye to climate change impacts, clean energy future

Clean Wisconsin seeks to intervene in Dairy Business Association lawsuit
Press Release

Clean Wisconsin seeks to intervene in Dairy Business Association lawsuit

Clean Wisconsin defends safeguards preventing water pollution from CAFOs

Clean Wisconsin Challenges Frac Sand Facility Permit
Press Release

Clean Wisconsin Challenges Frac Sand Facility Permit

Permit would allow permanent destruction of rare wetland

Clean Wisconsin welcomes DNR plan to provide drinking water to residents with contaminated wells
Press Release

Clean Wisconsin welcomes DNR plan to provide drinking water to residents with contaminated wells

When contaminated water ends up in families’ private wells, the concentration of dangerous pathogens spikes.

High-capacity well bill’s passage ensures ongoing groundwater conflicts
Press Release

High-capacity well bill’s passage ensures ongoing groundwater conflicts

Bill gives away public groundwater for private benefit

State Gives Green Light to Billion-gallon Groundwater Giveaway
Press Release

State Gives Green Light to Billion-gallon Groundwater Giveaway

For industrial users, it’s open season on Wisconsin’s groundwater

Clean Wisconsin Blasts Trump’s Attack on Crucial Climate Protections
Press Release

Clean Wisconsin Blasts Trump’s Attack on Crucial Climate Protections

Trump’s latest executive order marks the beginning of fossil fuel industry-backed efforts to rescind the federal Clean Power Plan

Clean Wisconsin Wins Toxic Air Pollution Lawsuit
Press Release

Clean Wisconsin Wins Toxic Air Pollution Lawsuit

Federal Court rules EPA failed to update hazardous air pollution rules

Clean Wisconsin challenges high capacity well permits
Press Release

Clean Wisconsin challenges high capacity well permits

Constitution requires DNR to consider impacts on lakes, rivers, and streams

Environmental groups prevail in case over DNR’s authority to protect drinking water
Press Release

Environmental groups prevail in case over DNR’s authority to protect drinking water

Recent Dane County Circuit Court ruling requires additional groundwater monitoring, animal unit cap for Kewaunee County Dairy.

DNR Quietly Adopts AG’s Opinion on High-Capacity Wells
Press Release

DNR Quietly Adopts AG’s Opinion on High-Capacity Wells

Most of state’s water will now be unprotected from high-use wells

Praise for WPPI’s planned investment in wind power
Press Release

Praise for WPPI’s planned investment in wind power

Clean Wisconsin applauds the utility’s action to add 100MW of clean energy

Environmental Groups Call on EPA for Immediate Action in Kewaunee County
Press Release

Environmental Groups Call on EPA for Immediate Action in Kewaunee County

After 18 months of inaction, county residents deserve clean, safe drinking water

Better Pollution Controls Required for Oak Creek Coal Pile
Press Release

Better Pollution Controls Required for Oak Creek Coal Pile

Based on public comment, DNR to require additional controls for coal dust, particle pollution

Statement on Proposed Oak Creek Power Plant Coal Pile Expansion
Press Release

Statement on Proposed Oak Creek Power Plant Coal Pile Expansion

Concerned residents speak out over health, economic impacts of harmful emissions