Bill Christofferson

Recent Articles

Op Ed: Common Council Will Vote On Preventing Nuclear War
Op Ed

Common Council Will Vote On Preventing Nuclear War

Proposal offers common-sense solutions that all can support.

Op Ed: Veterans Day Event Will Promote Peace, Not Militarism
Op Ed

Veterans Day Event Will Promote Peace, Not Militarism

'Reclaim Armistice Day' event will take place in the Milwaukee City Hall rotunda on Nov. 11.

Exhibit Tells Story of Vietnam War Resistors in the Military

Exhibit Tells Story of Vietnam War Resistors in the Military

'Waging Peace in Vietnam' offers exhibits, speakers, films at Marquette University April 1-17.

State’s Top Gun Control Advocate Still Pushing

State’s Top Gun Control Advocate Still Pushing

Jeri Bonavia and Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort have helped stopped radical pro-gun bills.

Op Ed: New Nukes? No Thanks
Op Ed

New Nukes? No Thanks

State’s public utilities exploring the use of nuclear energy.

Op Ed: Why Earth Day Still Matters
Op Ed

Why Earth Day Still Matters

Founded by Wisconsin senator, it was always about more than the environment. It still is.

Op Ed: A Life Spent Visiting Wars, Promoting Peace
Op Ed

A Life Spent Visiting Wars, Promoting Peace

Three-time Nobel nominee Kathy Kelly comes to town on Veterans Day to talk about how to achieve peace.

Op Ed: Who Should We Honor on Memorial Day?
Op Ed

Who Should We Honor on Memorial Day?

The true cost of our wars is rarely considered.

Op Ed: Enough Is Never Enough for Gun Zealots
Op Ed

Enough Is Never Enough for Gun Zealots

Senate and Assembly bills would make Wisconsin a Second Amendment sanctuary state.

Mondale And Gaylord Nelson Were Pals

Mondale And Gaylord Nelson Were Pals

The two longtime U.S. Senators were both Norwegians, and passionate about the environment.

Op Ed: The True Cost of War
Op Ed

The True Cost of War

Memorial Day is a time to reflect on millions of lives lost, trillions it has cost U.S. taxpayers.

Op Ed: Milwaukee Pays High Price for War
Op Ed

Milwaukee Pays High Price for War

Since 2001, the total cost of America’s wars just to county taxpayers was $10.68 billion.

Op Ed: Trump’s Decision to Kill
Op Ed

Trump’s Decision to Kill

The President seems to have gotten away with murder, just like he said he would.

Op Ed: Putin, Facebook and Me
Op Ed

Putin, Facebook and Me

Zuckerberg’s crackdown on nefarious ads has gone way overboard. Even a veteran’s group is suspect.

Op-Ed: The Real Meaning of Veterans Day

The Real Meaning of Veterans Day

Honor the warriors, not the wars.

How Earth Day Turned America Green

How Earth Day Turned America Green

Exactly 43 years ago, the first Earth Day, founded by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson, launched a national movement.