
Content referencing Jarrod Anderson

Most Incumbents Beat Challengers in State Legislature Primaries

Most Incumbents Beat Challengers in State Legislature Primaries

Wisconsin had the most contested Assembly primary races since 2012.

Rep. Clancy Wins Reelection Despite Democratic Opposition

Rep. Clancy Wins Reelection Despite Democratic Opposition

Incumbent Socialist Democratic legislator defeats challenger Jarrod Anderson.

Working Families Party, Sen. Chris Larson, Rep. Ryan Clancy Statements on Rep. Ryan Clancy’s Primary Win
Milwaukee Partisan Primary Election Results

Milwaukee Partisan Primary Election Results

A number of winner-take-all primaries on the ballot will reshape Milwaukee's legislative delegation.

Vote Tuesday: Milwaukee Senate and Assembly Races
Vote Tuesday

Milwaukee Senate and Assembly Races

A handful of partisan primaries will also determine the winner of the general election in November.

Murphy’s Law: Can Rep. Clancy Win Reelection?
Murphy’s Law

Can Rep. Clancy Win Reelection?

Incumbent Democratic faces heavy opposition from his own party backing challenger Jarrod Anderson.

Alderman Jonathan Brostoff Endorses Jarrod Anderson for State Assembly District 19
Press Release

Alderman Jonathan Brostoff Endorses Jarrod Anderson for State Assembly District 19

Brostoff represented the 19th Assembly District from 2015-2023

Murphy’s Law: Mayor, Democrats Target Rep. Ryan Clancy
Murphy’s Law

Mayor, Democrats Target Rep. Ryan Clancy

Why are they opposing incumbent Democrat? In a word, they hate him.

County Board Chairwoman Marcelia Nicholson Endorses Jarrod Anderson for State Assembly District 19
Mayor Cavalier Johnson Endorses Jarrod Anderson for State Assembly District 19
Press Release

Mayor Cavalier Johnson Endorses Jarrod Anderson for State Assembly District 19

District includes Milwaukee's East Side, Downtown, and Bay View neighborhoods

Jarrod Anderson Announces Candidacy for State Assembly District 19