Content referencing Michael Skwierawski

Judges Letter for Immediate Publication
Press Release

Judges Letter for Immediate Publication

Letter from thirty six sitting and retired Milwaukee area judges regarding the upcoming Supreme Court election on April 2nd.

Campaign to Retain Judge Andrew Jones Earns Broad Support From Judiciary
Press Release

Campaign to Retain Judge Andrew Jones Earns Broad Support From Judiciary

"It is an honor to have the support of so many members of the Milwaukee County judiciary.

Court Watch: Judges At MU Panel Demand Recusal Rules
Court Watch

Judges At MU Panel Demand Recusal Rules

Common Cause and judges at town hall meeting say state’s judicial system must be reformed.

Campaign Cash: Please Reform the Courts, Judges Ask
Campaign Cash

Please Reform the Courts, Judges Ask

54 retired judges urge Supreme Court to require recusal for cases with big donors.

Coalition of Retired Judges to Ask Wisconsin Supreme Court to Adopt Standards to Limit Cash Influence in Judiciary
Press Release

Coalition of Retired Judges to Ask Wisconsin Supreme Court to Adopt Standards to Limit Cash Influence in Judiciary

The retired judges have submitted their petition to the State Supreme Court requesting strong new rules for when judges must disqualify themselves in order to remove even the appearance of bias.

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum

Contribution to Terry Witkowski of $100

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum
Press Release

Gwen Connolly campaign showing huge momentum

After her opponent this week jumped to the Branch 31 race, Connolly is widely seen as the prohibitive favorite to be the next judge in Branch 44.

The Roundup: Krug Scores Joint Finance Seat
The Roundup

Krug Scores Joint Finance Seat

Rep. Shirley Krug was chosen Monday to take a seat on the influential Joint Committee on Finance