Content referencing Dan Fitzgibbons

Bar Exam: Pourman’s Used To Be Sausage Factory
Bar Exam

Pourman’s Used To Be Sausage Factory

Yet it's been a tavern for more than a century. This is truly old Milwaukee.

Plenty of Horne: Jon Richards Will Run for Attorney General
Plenty of Horne

Jon Richards Will Run for Attorney General

Like Abe Lincoln, Richards has been practicing law all across the state in preparation for his run.

House Confidential: Jim Wiechmann’s Gothic Mansion
House Confidential

Jim Wiechmann’s Gothic Mansion

The real estate tycoon and owner of Stevens Point Brewery has one of the grandest mansions in town.

Plenty of Horne: Brady Street BID Expands Boundaries?
Plenty of Horne

Brady Street BID Expands Boundaries?

And Milwaukee's corporations asleep on gay marriage issue?

The Roundup: Henningsen Moved
The Roundup

Henningsen Moved scoop

The Roundup: New Home for Lord?
The Roundup

New Home for Lord?

Lord has been looking at the old Lou Fritzel building with owner Peter J. Kondos.