Content referencing Marc Eisen

Murphy’s Law: Baldwin, Pocan Deliver for Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

Baldwin, Pocan Deliver for Wisconsin

Both among top members of Congress in getting earmarked federal spending for this state.

Murphy’s Law: Lena Taylor Against the World
Murphy’s Law

Lena Taylor Against the World

Democratic legislator’s press conference was a declaration of war -- against everybody.

Op Ed: How to Pick the Next Governor
Op Ed

How to Pick the Next Governor

Judge the many candidates on how they’d address Wisconsin’s economic chasm.

Op Ed: We Like Suburban Segregation
Op Ed

We Like Suburban Segregation

Governments have long enabled metro area's biases.

Murphy’s Law: Maybe We’re Not So Bad At Startups
Murphy’s Law

Maybe We’re Not So Bad At Startups

Conflicting studies raise doubts about state’s “worst in nation”rating for new companies.

Murphy’s Law: The Legend of Leah Vukmir
Murphy’s Law

The Legend of Leah Vukmir

Once considered a horrible legislator, she’s now one of the Capitol’s “heaviest hitters.”

Murphy’s Law: Too Pure for Pork
Murphy’s Law

Too Pure for Pork

Gov. Walker is a latest of state politicians from both parties who have an aversion to federal funds.

Murphy’s Law: How Coal Hurts Minorities
Murphy’s Law

How Coal Hurts Minorities

A new study finds Wisconsin a leader in environmental racism. But is the state improving?

Murphy’s Law: The Rise of Chris Larson
Murphy’s Law

The Rise of Chris Larson

Is he a young liberal heavyweight? Or a punching bag for Republicans?