Content referencing Janan Atta Najeeb

How Milwaukee Muslims Celebrate Ramadan

How Milwaukee Muslims Celebrate Ramadan

Metro area has estimated 20,000 Muslims, for whom Ramadan is a holy season.

Anti-Immigrant Policies Spread Fear, Experts Say

Anti-Immigrant Policies Spread Fear, Experts Say

Speakers at UWM panel urge more information to combat ignorance about immigrants.

Program on 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day will celebrate peace
Press Release

Program on 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day will celebrate peace

The event is a reminder that Nov. 11 – now a day to honor veterans – was established as a day to promote world peace.

Sensenbrenner, Mukasey, Flynn among guests for Law School conference on post-9/11 national security and individual liberty issues
Press Release

Sensenbrenner, Mukasey, Flynn among guests for Law School conference on post-9/11 national security and individual liberty issues

The terror attacks on September 11, 2001, led the U.S. government to enact new laws and take additional steps to protect national security. But has the government gone too far?

Rep. Barnes Welcomes Janan Atta Najeeb to the Wisconsin State Assembly
Press Release

Rep. Barnes Welcomes Janan Atta Najeeb to the Wisconsin State Assembly

She is the first Muslim woman to ever lead the Wisconsin State Assembly in prayer.