Matt Levatich, President and CEO of Harley-Davidson.

Content referencing Matt Levatich

State Business Leaders Defend Elections Commission

State Business Leaders Defend Elections Commission

Letter commends integrity and courage of WEC in overseeing successful 2020 election.

Next Door celebrates 30 years of Books for Kids
Press Release

Next Door celebrates 30 years of Books for Kids

The celebration will feature Next Door’s largest community book drive July 12-23

Murphy’s Law: CEO Pay Has Risen 1,167% Since 1978
Murphy’s Law

CEO Pay Has Risen 1,167% Since 1978

That’s 85 times faster than rise in average workers’ pay, new report finds.

Harley-Davidson CEO Steps Down

Harley-Davidson CEO Steps Down

“Time for new leadership,” says company, which is struggling to attract younger riders.

Harley 2nd Quarter Earnings Down 19%

Harley 2nd Quarter Earnings Down 19%

Motorcycle maker says it expects $100 million in tariff costs for entire year.

Murphy’s Law: CEO Salaries Hit Historic High
Murphy’s Law

CEO Salaries Hit Historic High

Average top exec earned $34.4 million in 2018, 660 times the average worker's pay.

Harley-Davidson Earnings Down

Harley-Davidson Earnings Down

Poor results due to Trump tariffs, changing consumer preferences.

Murphy’s Law: Why Is CEO Pay Still Soaring?
Murphy’s Law

Why Is CEO Pay Still Soaring?

Up 8.5% last year, hitting obscene levels in state and nation. Why?

Near West Side Partners representatives go “On the Issues”
Press Release

Near West Side Partners representatives go “On the Issues”

Hear from the leaders of the anchor institutions that are spearheading the NWSP effort on their vision to transform the area and the progress they’ve made in the first year of the initiative.