Content referencing Pat Snyder

Republicans Push Abortion Bills

Republicans Push Abortion Bills

One clarifies that procedures for miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy allowed. Another funds Choose Life centers.

Two GOP Legislators Push Medical Pot Bill

Two GOP Legislators Push Medical Pot Bill

Bill allows medicinal marijuana use for those meeting a narrow list of qualifications.

Senator Agard Responds to GOP Medical Marijuana Bill
Bill Allows Billboard Ads To Hire Corrections Workers

Bill Allows Billboard Ads To Hire Corrections Workers

State law currently doesn’t allows this, but legislators cite need for more staff.

Non-Profit Didn’t Report Campaign Spending?

Non-Profit Didn’t Report Campaign Spending?

Jobs First Coalition spent $1 million to elect Republican legislators but left it off tax forms, complaint to IRS says.

Representative Lisa Subeck Testifies on Pair of Bills Addressing Food Allergies
Bipartisan Bill Would Legalize Medical Marijuana

Bipartisan Bill Would Legalize Medical Marijuana

But Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald strongly opposes the bill.

The Contrarian: The Myth of Easy Prison Reform
The Contrarian

The Myth of Easy Prison Reform

It’s caused by misinformation about “non-violent offenders” and “crimeless revocations.”

Rep. Robyn Vining Appointed to Task Force on Adoption
Press Release

Rep. Robyn Vining Appointed to Task Force on Adoption

This committee will focus on addressing the barriers facing biological and adoptive parents in the adoption process.

First Lady Tonette Walker Recognizes 2018 Governor’s Foster Care Award Recipients
Press Release

First Lady Tonette Walker Recognizes 2018 Governor’s Foster Care Award Recipients

The Governor’s Foster Care Awards are given out annually to honor outstanding members of Wisconsin’s foster care community in recognition of Foster Care Month across Wisconsin.

Governor Walker Signs Sara’s Law
Press Release

Governor Walker Signs Sara’s Law

Bill expands legal protections for guardians and attorneys in family law proceedings

Supporting Wisconsin’s Children and Families: Governor Walker to Sign 11 Bills to Improve Outcomes for Children in Foster Care
Press Release

Supporting Wisconsin’s Children and Families: Governor Walker to Sign 11 Bills to Improve Outcomes for Children in Foster Care

This legislative bill package was created by the 2017 Speaker’s Task Force on Foster Care.

GOP Legislative Districts Heavily White

GOP Legislative Districts Heavily White

Republican assembly districts are up to 96% white, senate districts as high as 95% white.

With Elections Just a Year Away, Legislature Abandons Wisconsin Families
Press Release

With Elections Just a Year Away, Legislature Abandons Wisconsin Families

Industrial Acid Mining Bill Will Put Public Health at Risk for Generations

Leah unveils 100+ Wisconsin endorsements
Press Release

Leah unveils 100+ Wisconsin endorsements

Elected officials, grassroots activists and business owners unite behind Leah

Campaign Cash: $28 Million Spent on 2016 Legislative Races
Campaign Cash

$28 Million Spent on 2016 Legislative Races

A new record, 66% more than 2014, huge special interest spending.

Private School Voucher Special Interest Group Tops $1 Million in Campaign Spending to Elect Compliant Legislators
Press Release

Private School Voucher Special Interest Group Tops $1 Million in Campaign Spending to Elect Compliant Legislators

American Federation For Children spends big to try to elect legislators who’ll keep public tax dollars flowing to less accountable private schools

Private Voucher School Front Group Reports Spending $500,000 in September Alone to Buy Pro-Voucher Legislature
Press Release

Private Voucher School Front Group Reports Spending $500,000 in September Alone to Buy Pro-Voucher Legislature

This Kind of Support Comes With a Price, History Shows GOP Candidates and Legislature Will Pay