Content referencing Mike Rosen

Local 212 MATC FAST Fund Appoints Liz Franczyk as its Executive Director
Eyes on Milwaukee: Plan To Renovate Every City-Owned Home Gains Traction
Eyes on Milwaukee

Plan To Renovate Every City-Owned Home Gains Traction

Council now embraces Bauman proposal. Barrett's plan will include elements of it.

Op Ed: Lessons of the 1969 MATC Strike
Op Ed

Lessons of the 1969 MATC Strike

How public employees beat the odds to create a union.

Op Ed: Federal CARES Act Shows Racial Bias
Op Ed

Federal CARES Act Shows Racial Bias

Nearly twice as much funding for mostly white UW-Madison students than for mostly minority MATC students.

Op Ed: For-Profit Colleges Need State Oversight
Op Ed

For-Profit Colleges Need State Oversight

Walker opened door to abuse. Evers has reinstated the Educational Approval Board.

Op Ed: Many College Students Are Hungry, Homeless

Contribution to Bob Peterson of $100

Op Ed: Many College Students Are Hungry, Homeless
Op Ed

Many College Students Are Hungry, Homeless

MATC faculty starts fund to help students, holding benefit on February 15.

Op Ed: Journal Sentinel Promotes Phony Foxconn “Report”

Contribution to Bob Peterson of $100

Op Ed: Journal Sentinel Promotes Phony Foxconn “Report”
Op Ed

Journal Sentinel Promotes Phony Foxconn “Report”

But it’s not a study, has no named author and is too flawed to qualify as news.

Op Ed: How Walker Slashed Tech College Funding
Op Ed

How Walker Slashed Tech College Funding

“Soaring” funding reported is wrong: it’s actually declined significantly.

Op Ed: Hire Local Unemployed at Foxconn
Op Ed

Hire Local Unemployed at Foxconn

State should enforce hiring agreements, provide transportation for area workers.

Going Nuclear to Confirm Right Wing Supreme Court Nominee Destructive to Senate, Courts and Rights of All Americans
Press Release

Going Nuclear to Confirm Right Wing Supreme Court Nominee Destructive to Senate, Courts and Rights of All Americans

Senate Republicans Poised to Change Longstanding Rules of U.S. Senate to Place Trump Nominated Judge in Stolen U.S. Supreme Court Seat

City Proposal Protects Students

City Proposal Protects Students

Protections target for-profit colleges that leave students with huge debts.

Teachers, janitors, child care providers, health care workers endorse District Attorney John Chisholm for re-election
Press Release

Teachers, janitors, child care providers, health care workers endorse District Attorney John Chisholm for re-election

Under Chisholm’s leadership, the office of the District Attorney has a 95% conviction rate in homicide cases.

Wisconsin Jobs Now, AFT Local 212 Endorse Chevy Johnson
Press Release

Wisconsin Jobs Now, AFT Local 212 Endorse Chevy Johnson

Chevy Johnson has announced the endorsements of a number of former and current elected officials, progressive organizations, community leaders, and neighbors.

Murphy’s Law: The Myth of the Welders Shortage

Contribution to Tony Zielinski of $100

Murphy’s Law: The Myth of the Welders Shortage

Contribution to Josh Zepnick of $50

Murphy’s Law: The Myth of the Welders Shortage

Contribution to Nik Kovac of $10

Murphy’s Law: The Myth of the Welders Shortage
Murphy’s Law

The Myth of the Welders Shortage

Journal Sentinel claims it’s because MATC does a poor job of training workers. Is that true?

Murphy’s Law: The Raging Bull of MATC
Murphy’s Law

The Raging Bull of MATC

For eight years, Milwaukee Area Technical College President John Birkholz has terrorized his staff and even the board members who hired him, while alienating members of the business community.