Content referencing Lester Pines

Taxpayers Paying For Both Sides of Senate Lawsuit Over Redistricting

Taxpayers Paying For Both Sides of Senate Lawsuit Over Redistricting

Democrats and Republicans both charging State of Wisconsin for redistricting legal fight.

Murphy’s Law: Supreme Court Race All About Sex Offenders
Murphy’s Law

Supreme Court Race All About Sex Offenders

Which is strange because the state high court will probably never rule on such cases.

Murphy’s Law: The Radical Views of Kelly and Dorow
Murphy’s Law

The Radical Views of Kelly and Dorow

Both candidates for state Supreme Court got legal training from mediocre Bible-oriented school.

State Supreme Court Rules For GOP In Redistricting Attorneys Suit

State Supreme Court Rules For GOP In Redistricting Attorneys Suit

Republican lawmakers sued for hiring redistricting attorneys before process even began.

State High Court Hears Arguments on Private Attorneys

State High Court Hears Arguments on Private Attorneys

Circuit court ruled that GOP legislators can’t hire attorneys before any lawsuit is filed.

State Supreme Court OKs Private Attorneys for Redistricting

State Supreme Court OKs Private Attorneys for Redistricting

Lower court ruled that legislators can't hire private attorneys until a lawsuit is pending.

Josh Kaul Looks the Other Way on Workplace Abuse, Discrimination Within DOJ
Press Release

Josh Kaul Looks the Other Way on Workplace Abuse, Discrimination Within DOJ

Kaul Refuses to Provide Answers to Victims and the Public

Judge Prohibits Republicans Using Private Lawyers for Redistricting

Judge Prohibits Republicans Using Private Lawyers for Redistricting

Suit filed in attempt to stop Republicans from drawing maps in secret.

Murphy’s Laws: The New Gerrymandering Scheme
Murphy’s Laws

The New Gerrymandering Scheme

Republicans charge taxpayers for private attorneys to defend secret legislative scheme before it’s even been created.

Op Ed: Wisconsin Needs Fair Maps
Op Ed

Wisconsin Needs Fair Maps

Gerrymandered districts give Republicans outsized legislative power.

Senators Baldwin and Johnson Renew Wisconsin Federal Nominating Commission
Press Release

Senators Baldwin and Johnson Renew Wisconsin Federal Nominating Commission

Bipartisan Commission Will Start Work on U.S. Attorneys and Federal Judgeship

Op Ed: Why Shirley Abrahamson Mattered
Op Ed

Why Shirley Abrahamson Mattered

For decades one of the leading state supreme court judges in the nation.

Voters and Election Officials Push Forward

Voters and Election Officials Push Forward

“Tremendous turnout.” State-wide more than 785,000 election ballots already turned in.

Unions Join Legal Battle Over Evers’ Order

Unions Join Legal Battle Over Evers’ Order

GOP suit asking Wisconsin Supreme Court to quash stay-at-home order threatens workers' lives, union lawyer argues.

Did High Court Ignore Their Rules on Election Case?

Did High Court Ignore Their Rules on Election Case?

An attorney says the court didn't follow their normal rules for accepting briefs.

Op Ed: Dan Kelly’s Ideology Is 100% Relevant
Op Ed

Dan Kelly’s Ideology Is 100% Relevant

He was appointed to maintain Republican power and will overrule legal precedents to accomplish this.

The Contrarian: Karofsky Wrong About State Supreme Court
The Contrarian

Karofsky Wrong About State Supreme Court

Her campaign charges against the Supreme Court amount to slander.

Murphy’s Law: Why a Voter Purge Is So Critical
Murphy’s Law

Why a Voter Purge Is So Critical

The goal is to reelect Trump. Even if that means purging some Republican voters, too.

State Supreme Court Reviews Lame Duck Laws

State Supreme Court Reviews Lame Duck Laws

Justices question both sides in challenge to laws reducing powers of governor, attorney general.

Republicans Deny New Gerrymander Plan

Republicans Deny New Gerrymander Plan

Not planning to bypass governor, Fitzgerald says, but he and Vos won’t take follow-up questions.

GOP Could Bypass Evers, Gerrymander Again

GOP Could Bypass Evers, Gerrymander Again

Joint Resolution bill could prevent governor veto, gain second decade of gerrymandering.

The Contrarian: The Dark Side of Justice Abrahamson
The Contrarian

The Dark Side of Justice Abrahamson

A great legal scholar, but her style created bitter turmoil on the court.

Arguments Begin on 2nd Lame Duck Suit

Arguments Begin on 2nd Lame Duck Suit

Dane County Judge Niess slapped injunction on laws. Second suit being heard by Judge Remington.

Unions Files Suit Against Lame Duck Laws

Unions Files Suit Against Lame Duck Laws

Second suit filed, argues Republicans violated state constitution.

Evers Hires Private Lawyers In Lame Duck Case

Evers Hires Private Lawyers In Lame Duck Case

Suit seeks to overturn Republican laws limiting governor’s powers.

Murphy’s Law: State Facing Endless Lawsuits?
Murphy’s Law

State Facing Endless Lawsuits?

Suits by governor, legislature, citizens coming on lame duck laws, gerrymandering.

Murphy’s Law: Schimel’s Spoils System
Murphy’s Law

Schimel’s Spoils System

DOJ gag order on his employees shows the impact of ending civil service protections.

Op Ed: How Legislature is Bypassing the Courts
Op Ed

How Legislature is Bypassing the Courts

Foxconn law builds on 2013 law that restricts court review of state legislation.

County Executive Not Exempt From Judicial Review
Press Release

County Executive Not Exempt From Judicial Review

A resolution granting authorization to refile the lawsuit is now before the Board.

Murphy’s Law: How Republicans Cause Voter Fraud
Murphy’s Law

How Republicans Cause Voter Fraud

False claims of rampant voter fraud by GOP and talk radio prompt their followers to vote illegally.

Murphy’s Law: Walker’s Sweet Revenge Against John Doe Prosecutors
Murphy’s Law

Walker’s Sweet Revenge Against John Doe Prosecutors

Walker’s office gets to choose the attorneys defending John Chisholm and company from a federal suit.

Murphy’s Law: Did Republicans Blow It?
Murphy’s Law

Did Republicans Blow It?

The court decision striking down collective bargaining law exposes obvious constitutional problems with it.