Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: More Foxconn Bells and Whistles
Murphy’s Law

More Foxconn Bells and Whistles

They want a new venture fund and UW-Madison fund -- all subsidized by our taxes.

Murphy’s Law: Why Wisconsin Resists Clean Energy
Murphy’s Law

Why Wisconsin Resists Clean Energy

State lags the Midwest in renewable energy, yet suddenly making great progress.

Murphy’s Law: Why Walker Must Go Negative
Murphy’s Law

Why Walker Must Go Negative

Governor is so unpopular he must bludgeon his opponent or change his identity. Or both.

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn’s Story Changes. Yet Again.
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn’s Story Changes. Yet Again.

Nearly all the manufacturing will be done by robots, company says.

Murphy’s Law: Did Abele, Newspaper Cover Up Schmidt Pension?
Murphy’s Law

Did Abele, Newspaper Cover Up Schmidt Pension?

Decisions by county exec, Journal Sentinel, suppressed news of his lucrative pension.

Murphy’s Law: 23 Election Winners and Losers
Murphy’s Law

23 Election Winners and Losers

Beyond the vote totals, who were the other winners and losers in yesterday’s election?

Murphy’s Law: Schmidt’s Pension An Issue for Deputies
Murphy’s Law

Schmidt’s Pension An Issue for Deputies

Co-workers know he’s getting $1 million pension, say issue is divisive for department.

Murphy’s Law: Schmidt Will Get $1 Million Pension
Murphy’s Law

Schmidt Will Get $1 Million Pension

Acting Sheriff doesn’t deny it, refuses to say whether he will sign waiver of backdrop benefit.

Murphy’s Law: Schmidt Pension At Issue In Sheriff Race?
Murphy’s Law

Schmidt Pension At Issue In Sheriff Race?

Acting Sheriff could collect a lot from taxpayers. Will he waive lucrative backdrop benefit?

Murphy’s Law: Are Democratic Candidates Too Liberal?
Murphy’s Law

Are Democratic Candidates Too Liberal?

Walker is very vulnerable, but his challengers are blowing it with far-left campaigns.

Murphy’s Law: Foxconn Plays Politics for Walker?
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn Plays Politics for Walker?

Company's iffy "innovation centers" in Eau Claire, Green Bay could help reelect governor.

Murphy’s Law: The Anti-Union Governor
Murphy’s Law

The Anti-Union Governor

Scott Walker may be the nation’s leading union killer. What’s the impact on Wisconsin?