Near-Record Year for School Referendums

Near-Record Year for School Referendums

Spring election’s voters pass more than 80% of local school funding referendums.

Data Wonk: Why The MPS Referendum Is Needed
Data Wonk

Why The MPS Referendum Is Needed

The data shows MPS trails other metro area districts in per-pupil spending.

Op Ed: Why I’m Canvassing for MPS
Op Ed

Why I’m Canvassing for MPS

Knocking on strangers doors? I couldn’t help wonder what I’d gotten myself into.

Murphy’s Law: Poll Shows Surprising Support for MPS
Murphy’s Law

Poll Shows Surprising Support for MPS

Most think MPS needs more funding and would back it in the referendum, poll shows.

The Educator: The Rationale for MPS Referendum
The Educator

The Rationale for MPS Referendum

Despite scare stories, ballot initiative asks for annual funding increase of $87 million, not $640 million.

Milwaukee Board of School Directors Votes to go to Referendum

Milwaukee Board of School Directors Votes to go to Referendum

A step toward getting schools our children deserve

Questions for Milwaukee teachers’ union on poll results

Questions for Milwaukee teachers’ union on poll results

The poll raises more questions than it answers – How it was conducted?

Op Ed: Say Yes To MPS Referendum
Op Ed

Say Yes To MPS Referendum

As a parent and longtime MPS volunteer, I’ve seen why the schools are a great investment.

Data Wonk: Would MPS Referendum Pass? Should it?
Data Wonk

Would MPS Referendum Pass? Should it?

Poll shows city residents support increased funding for MPS, but referendum still faces obstacles.