
Lack of Urgency, Transparency in Sexual Assault Kit Testing Necessitates Audit

Lack of Urgency, Transparency in Sexual Assault Kit Testing Necessitates Audit

Representative Sargent requests an official audit of the DOJ’s sexual assault kit backlog and testing policies and procedures

Visa ban protest Thursday

Visa ban protest Thursday

Academics United: No Visa and Immigration Ban

For the Second  Consecutive Year, Congressman Sensenbrenner Earns Perfect Voting Record

For the Second Consecutive Year, Congressman Sensenbrenner Earns Perfect Voting Record

"Each year, I host more than 100 public events, such as town hall meetings and office hours, and respond to thousands of constituent comments submitted by phone, mail, and email."

Representative Lisa Subeck’s Statement on Republican Proposal to Limit Public Employee Access to Women’s Health Care

Representative Lisa Subeck’s Statement on Republican Proposal to Limit Public Employee Access to Women’s Health Care

"...Republicans are introducing politically motivated legislation that interferes with a women’s ability to access reproductive healthcare."

Let the Public Decide on Medical Marijuana

Let the Public Decide on Medical Marijuana

Introduces legislation calling for statewide referendum

ICYMI: John Humphries Continues to be Out of Touch

John Humphries Continues to be Out of Touch

"I am proud to use my voice to champion the needs of Wisconsin’s 860,000 school children."

Rep. Shankland: Statement on Walker’s K-12 Education Budget
Rep. Shankland

Statement on Walker’s K-12 Education Budget

"Our public schools have lost over a billion dollars in state aid under Governor Walker, leaving school districts at a breaking point."

Wisconsin Kids Still Shortchanged by Governor Walker

Wisconsin Kids Still Shortchanged by Governor Walker

"Now, Walker is throwing handfuls of water at a fire he created - and expects everyone to cheer."

Baldwin, Warren Call on NEC Director Cohn to Pay Full Taxes on Windfall Payments, Recuse Himself from All Decisions Affecting Goldman Sachs

Baldwin, Warren Call on NEC Director Cohn to Pay Full Taxes on Windfall Payments, Recuse Himself from All Decisions Affecting Goldman Sachs

Recusal, immediate payment of all taxes would mitigate Cohn's conflicts of interest in new role at NEC

Baldwin, Brown, Shaheen to Trump: Don’t Pull the Rug Out from Under States Fighting Opioid Crisis
Baldwin, Brown, Shaheen to Trump

Don’t Pull the Rug Out from Under States Fighting Opioid Crisis

As states apply for $1 billion in grants made available by 21st Century Cures Act, ACA repeal would pull $5.5 billion away from needed addiction services

Q: John Humphries, Do You Support or Oppose Wisconsin Using Nationwide Academic Standards? A: Yes

John Humphries, Do You Support or Oppose Wisconsin Using Nationwide Academic Standards? A: Yes

Candidate For State Superintendent of Public Instruction Attempts to Please Everyone By Taking Every Side of Academic Standards Issue

Cost of child care skyrockets

Cost of child care skyrockets

Democrats propose plan to ease costs, expand economic opportunity