
Alderman Murphy secures funding for opioid addiction awareness

Alderman Murphy secures funding for opioid addiction awareness

The number of deaths related to opioid overdoses keeps climbing.

Governor Walker Appoints Richard Radcliffe as Monroe County Judge

Governor Walker Appoints Richard Radcliffe as Monroe County Judge

Richard Radcliffe currently serves as partner at the Tomah-based firm Mubarak, Radcliffe & Berry, S.C.

Recent Sexual Assault Report Prompts Proposal to Allow Local Licensing of Transportation Network Company Drivers

Recent Sexual Assault Report Prompts Proposal to Allow Local Licensing of Transportation Network Company Drivers

"My proposed bill puts the power back into the hands of our city and town leaders and local law enforcement officials..."

Pocan: New GAO Report Shows School Voucher Programs Failing to Provide Students with Equitable Opportunities

New GAO Report Shows School Voucher Programs Failing to Provide Students with Equitable Opportunities

The new report from GAO shows the outrageously low standards to which many school voucher programs are held.

Rep. Spreitzer named to tax review committee

Rep. Spreitzer named to tax review committee

Wisconsin, along with the rest of the United States, has learned that trickle-down economics do not work.

Gov. Scott Walker Campaign Chair Helped Fund Project Veritas Sleaze

Gov. Scott Walker Campaign Chair Helped Fund Project Veritas Sleaze

Bradley Impact Fund Contributed $25,000 to Group That Ran Sting Operation to Support Accused Pedophile Roy Moore

Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services Testifies Before U.S. Senate Health Committee on the Wisconsin Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services Testifies Before U.S. Senate Health Committee on the Wisconsin Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

Between April 1 and June 30 of this year, Wisconsin saw 14.1% decrease in opioid prescriptions dispensed as compared to the first quarter of 2016

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Proposes Amendments to Republican Tax Bill

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Proposes Amendments to Republican Tax Bill

Provide Tax Relief for Working Families, Start-Ups, Small Businesses and Manufacturers

EPA Finds Local Industrial Refurbishing Plants in Violation of Federal Law

EPA Finds Local Industrial Refurbishing Plants in Violation of Federal Law

In response to the announcement by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that multiple Milwaukee-area industrial refurbishing plants violated federal law, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) issued the following statement:

Dana Wachs calls out Gov. Walker’s request to spend millions more attract out-of-state workers for Foxconn

Dana Wachs calls out Gov. Walker’s request to spend millions more attract out-of-state workers for Foxconn

"Gov. Walker is spending taxpayer money like he’s got holes in his pockets."

Men and Women at Work: Governor Walker Announces Workforce Agenda at Future Wisconsin Summit
Men and Women at Work

Governor Walker Announces Workforce Agenda at Future Wisconsin Summit

We will work with the Legislature to pass a bill providing $6.8 million for a targeted campaign to attract talent to Wisconsin.

Working families on losing end of GOP Tax Scam

Working families on losing end of GOP Tax Scam

Senate GOP tax plan favors wealthy