
Rep. Bowen Statement on Passage of Watered-Down Republican Budget

Rep. Bowen Statement on Passage of Watered-Down Republican Budget

Bowen Disappointed by Numerous Missed Bi-Partisanship in Republican Version of Budget

Republican Budget is Replete with Countless Missed Opportunities

Republican Budget is Replete with Countless Missed Opportunities

"The budget passed today leaves much to be desired for the people of Wisconsin."

Rep. Robyn Vining Blasts Fiscal Negligence of GOP Legislators

Rep. Robyn Vining Blasts Fiscal Negligence of GOP Legislators

"Republican legislators have shown that they do not care about fiscal responsibility."

Coalition Warns Against New Highway Megaprojects in State Budget

Coalition Warns Against New Highway Megaprojects in State Budget

Letter calls on legislature to focus on local road maintenance and public transit

Gov. Evers Releases Statement Relating to the March to Madison for Public Education funding
Supervisor Taylor Joins Educators’ March to Madison

Supervisor Taylor Joins Educators’ March to Madison

"Fully funding public education is essential to ensuring that all students, regardless of their ZIP code, have access to quality education."

Gov. Evers Releases Statement Relating to Today’s Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision

Gov. Evers Releases Statement Relating to Today’s Wisconsin Supreme Court Decision

“The facts didn't change in the last three years and neither did the meaning of the constitution. Only the composition of the court did.”

2000 Days: No Medicaid Expansion
2000 Days

No Medicaid Expansion

"Yesterday marked the 2000th day where we ignored the well-being AND the will of the people, imperiling our budget and the health of Wisconsinites everywhere."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin and Representative John Garamendi Introduce Reform to Strengthen Buy America Requirements for Federal Government
Supervisor Dimitrijevic Joins Rally Against ICE Raids

Supervisor Dimitrijevic Joins Rally Against ICE Raids

"We are not intimidated by an overzealous executive branch of the federal government, and I look forward to participating in an inter-faith demonstration today against Trump's ICE raids."

Gov. Evers Signs Bipartisan Bills Relating to Equal Treatment of Liquor Sales, Improving Wisconsin’s Competitiveness by Eliminating Tax Benefits

Gov. Evers Signs Bipartisan Bills Relating to Equal Treatment of Liquor Sales, Improving Wisconsin’s Competitiveness by Eliminating Tax Benefits

Senate Bill 83, now 2019 Wisconsin Act 6, creates the equal treatment of retail sales of all types of liquor for off-premises consumption.

Rep. Subeck Thanks Governor Evers for Standing with Wisconsin Women

Rep. Subeck Thanks Governor Evers for Standing with Wisconsin Women

"I applaud Governor Evers for vetoing these divisive and inflammatory anti-women’s health bills."