
Attorney General Kaul Joins Lawsuit Against Trump’s Dirty Power Rule

Attorney General Kaul Joins Lawsuit Against Trump’s Dirty Power Rule

"Climate change is not only real; it’s a crisis."

Supervisor Sebring Calls for Removal of Anti-Law Enforcement Ad on County Bus

Supervisor Sebring Calls for Removal of Anti-Law Enforcement Ad on County Bus

"We cannot allow a county bus to be decorated with advertising that includes a 'how-to' guide for illegal immigrants to evade law enforcement."

Gov. Evers Calls on President Trump to Listen to Farmers, End Unproductive Trade Wars

Gov. Evers Calls on President Trump to Listen to Farmers, End Unproductive Trade Wars

"As many farmers will tell you, aid payments cannot make up for what they’ve lost financially or personally."

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin to FDA: Hold AveXis Accountable for Falsifying Data
U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin to FDA

Hold AveXis Accountable for Falsifying Data

Baldwin, colleagues slam pharmaceutical company for falsifying data on gene therapy that carries a record $2.1 million price tag

Rep. Robyn Vining Echoes Call to Action Against Gun Violence

Rep. Robyn Vining Echoes Call to Action Against Gun Violence

"The Wisconsin State Legislature has a role to play in this epidemic of gun violence in our country."

Democrats continue pushing unnecessary, costly Medicaid expansion

Democrats continue pushing unnecessary, costly Medicaid expansion

"Expanding Medicaid even further to include able-bodied individuals living above the poverty line would put an even greater weight on the taxpayer."

Where’s Robin?

Where’s Robin?

"Today at the Senate Committee on Transportation, Veterans and Military Affairs public hearing, Speaker Robin Vos didn’t even bother to testify on his own bill..."

Time is Right for Indigenous People’s Park

Time is Right for Indigenous People’s Park

"Renaming Columbus Park to Indigenous People's Park is the right thing to do because it helps right an historic wrong..."

Speaker Robin Vos’ Moral Failure

Speaker Robin Vos’ Moral Failure

"Speaker Vos’ disregard for a colleague is frankly embarrassing."

Gov. Evers’ Budget Gives Wisconsin Reason to Smile, $2 Million Will Expand Dental Services, $1 million for Free and Charitable Health Centers
Businessman & Kenosha Native Josh Pade Announces Campaign for Congress in WI-01

Businessman & Kenosha Native Josh Pade Announces Campaign for Congress in WI-01

Pade brings deep business experience & an outsider perspective to campaign. Family ties to district date back to the 1830’s; grandmother worked as a Rosie the Riveter. Pade pledges to refuse corporate PAC money

Gov. Evers Announces Building Commission Approved Projects

Gov. Evers Announces Building Commission Approved Projects

Gov. Evers is committed to maintaining safe and reliable buildings by making smart and efficient maintenance decisions and investing in needed repairs and upgrades across the state building portfolio.