One of America’s ‘Best and Brightest Young Artists’ is at MPS’ Milwaukee High School of the Arts

One of America’s ‘Best and Brightest Young Artists’ is at MPS’ Milwaukee High School of the Arts

MHSA students have received the national honor for four straight years

Bed-sharing tragedies are senseless, preventable and shameful

Bed-sharing tragedies are senseless, preventable and shameful

Statement of Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. December 3, 2013

Attorney Dan Adams Announces Candidacy for 19th Assembly District

Attorney Dan Adams Announces Candidacy for 19th Assembly District

Emphasizes Results over Partisanship; Knowledge Economy

US National Tour Makes its Milwaukee Premiere at the Marcus Center on March 4-9
Christmas Tree Lights Up the Courthouse

Christmas Tree Lights Up the Courthouse

Wednesday – December 4, 2013

Alderman Donovan to Mayor Barrett: “What is happening with the streetcar project?”
Alderman Donovan to Mayor Barrett

“What is happening with the streetcar project?”

Statement from Alderman Bob Donovan December 3, 2013

City leaders are right to crack down on duty disability retirement abuse

City leaders are right to crack down on duty disability retirement abuse

Statement of Alderman Joe Davis, Sr. December 2, 2013

CNU President John Norquist To Step Down After A Decade

CNU President John Norquist To Step Down After A Decade

Norquist spearheaded campaigns for highway removal, federal reform of housing policy and walkable communities

Reminder: Neighborhood Town hall Set for Wednesday, December 11

Neighborhood Town hall Set for Wednesday, December 11

The event will be held in the auditorium at Riverside University High School, 1615 E. Locust St. from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Preview of MCTS Bus Advancements Including Smart Cards and Real-Time Information
Council vote advances redevelopment plan to create IB Middle Years school, community uses at Malcolm X site

Council vote advances redevelopment plan to create IB Middle Years school, community uses at Malcolm X site

The Milwaukee Common Council voted Tuesday to move forward a comprehensive redevelopment of Milwaukee Public Schools’ former Malcolm X Academy.

New system for contracting police services will benefit business, public safety

New system for contracting police services will benefit business, public safety

Statement of Alderman Willie C. Wade November 26, 2013